District 17 Newsletter con't...

9/13/06   Dropped off can of coffee at Dickinson County Correctional Center for both women’s and men's meetings, have two on reserve (average is between 8-9 cans for year as best as I can figure and can sizes vary).
      9/16/06  Received 8= Big Books, & 8=12X12's from Cliff W. which were donated by The Early Friday Night Group in Kingsford ( Cliff stamped all these books with the meeting's stamp);  these are for the Iron County Women's Corrections A.A. meetings.   This donation is greatly appreciated by all of us involved with corrections.
      9/17/06   Contacted Dylan N., Area 74 Corrections Chairperson, requested from him through the Area's Corrections fund basic pamphlets for all 5 of our county jail meetings and Camp Ottawa in Iron River.  He said my request would probably be a week or so, as he is going to go through the Area's Literature Committee.  Hope some day I will get the chance to meet him personally, as he has been just great in assisting our district and supporting my position.
      9/17/06   Contacted Keith K. from Iron River, he does the county corrections and Camp Ottawa A.A. meetings, we discussed the needs for books and how the prison camp should be supported by our district as a whole.  We agreed what is needed and that I will put the order together and submit our request to the district at the meeting in Felch on 9/28/06.  He plans on being at the meeting so will give him the books for the women's meeting in Crystal Falls.
      9/18/06 Requested from and approved by Early Monday Night Group in Iron Mountain;  3 large, Daily Reflections books for The Iron County Corrections Women’s meeting (2) and  (1) for Camp Ottawa; and two donate by Paul Monday treasurer of which one for Florence and Iron Co. men’s. Thank You Paula and Monday   the New Hope Groups at the V.A. had donated Reflections for the Dickinson County Corrections meetings.
    I would thank all the groups past and present for giving their support for corrections, in 11 years this has been the most encouraging support to all of us that do these meetings.  I know of at least 11 people that have come to the program as a result of our legacy.  Also, in doing these meetings we get to pooh-pooh on the drinking of those that attend.                  
    Gratefully and Sincerely: Dennis S.