District 17 Newsletter

                   November 8, 2006

     Greeting and salutations fellow AAs,

     Last month’s district meeting was a little small, mostly because only three people were present. Thank God someone made it. As I said in my earlier email, I just blew it. Because of me our treasurer also missed.

     The following is the report written by Dennis S., in its entirety.

     AREA74, A.A. District 17 Monthly Meeting

     Wednesday, 10/25/06; Iron River Alano Club- 6:15 P.M.

     GSR's Present; Libby, Laura, and Dennis       Finance Report

     Since it was the three of us, we decided to have an informal meeting and proceed with business from the previous two months; which was ordering literature for corrections A.A. meeting at prison Camp Ottawa.

     Dennis submitted monthly report on Corrections - attached with a new order that was less cost proposed than the previous month. Explained why slight change in new order. Also, that area chair for corrections has been contacted is forwarding basic pamphlets for all our correction's meetings.

     Laura asked if it was okay for groups to ear-mark donations sent to the district just for corrections, which is okay since tradition 4 states each group is autonomous.

     Also, individual groups can sponsor their local corrections meetings if they wish.

     Dennis put motion forward to vote on corrections order and Laura second, all in favor, none opposed. We don't know how district will receive this action, then again many groups fail to be involved at district level. Our presence shows that a little bit of service can go along way.

     We adjourned. Special Thank to Keith K. opening club, coffee, and doughnuts.   He could not attend because he had corrections at Camp Ottawa. His time and efforts towards corrections are greatly appreciated.

     Service is the foundation of personal growth, recovery, and a fellowship that has a legacy.

     Respectfully submitted: Dennis S., Corrections Committee Chair.

     The total amount spent on the corrections order was $170.60, this is less than was considered for approval at the last meeting.

     I attended the Fall Assembly in Three Lakes Wisconsin on Oct. 21st. It was really good to see so many people attending. The biggest news to come out of the meeting was that there is definitely a shortage of contributions that are going to GSO. At this point our book sales are still supporting us. This is not a good thing. Please try to get your groups to send funds to GSO, they work for us! Please send in birthday money or other contributions. I will try to bring this up at meeting, please do likewise! I will keep this short but will elaborate more at the next district meeting.

     In Love and Service,

     Steve S., District 17 DCM, Area 74
     P.O. Box 415, Iron Mountain, MI 49801          
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