District 17 Newsletter

May 22nd, 2017


         The district monthly GSR meeting was held Monday, May 22nd, 2017 at the Iron Mountain, MI. Alano Club. In attendance were:  Arman B., Richard A., Bruce L., John R., Cindy S., Dave G., Angie Z., Patty R., Larry L., Karen K., Dave B., Scott V., Cliff W., Jerry P., & James B. (total 15)

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 26th, 2017 at 6:00pm at the Alano Club.


DCM Report:

·        Angie Z. will be the new secretary for District 17.

·        Karen K. and Cindy S. and Theresa will be taking over the intergroup committee.

DCM Report was motioned and accepted.


Secretary Report: Linda P.

·        Thank you for helping me walk through this fear and allowing me to serve District 17. The Spring Conference was an amazing experience.

Secretary Report was motioned and accepted.


Financial Report: Dave G.

·        Dave G. submitted Financial Report  FINANCIAL

·        As of last month the internet was discontinued which should save the district money.

·        Dave G. paid $25 a month for rent and Bruce L. mentioned that it should be $30, Dave G. said that he would correct it.

Financial Report was motioned and accepted.


Corrections Report: James & Scott V.

·        James and Scott and Karen reported that everything is going well. Scott said that most of the guys are showing up regularly and has contact with one.

·         Cliff said that coffee was donated by The New Hope Group for corrections.

Corrections Report was motioned and accepted.



·        Cliff stepped down from being webmaster, and his 15 years of service is much appreciated by all in our district.

     Have continued being active to keep the district 17 website updated as well as the website at Hostek Web Host site for District 17.  This has been performed in my home office. Knowing that Dan I. been selected as new Hotline Coordinator for District 17 and Jerry P. is now to take over as new Webmaster this will be my final report as I step down from performing service work for District 17 since October 2002. On 5-22-17 reported to district office to find new order of 2,000 meeting cards.  Using rubber bands made stacks of 50 meeting cards and placed 6 stacks on table for monthly district meeting. There are 1,700 meeting cards in district office.  Met Jerry P at monthly meeting and turned over my keys to Alano Club and the district office.

·        Cliff also mentioned that he will be on reserve if Dan or Jerry need any help.

·        The District website recorded _162_ hits in the past month with the counter at 16,340 total hits as of 5-22-17.


Living My Life 1-day at a time,

                                                  Cliff W.


·        All Webmaster/Business will be handled via the Webmasters personal computers on the Cloud. (password sensitive)

Webmaster Report was motioned and accepted. 


Old Business:

·        I don’t think there was any old business, if there was I didn’t take any notes on it.


Intergroup: Debbie G.

·        Karen K. and Cindy S. and Theresa will be taking over the intergroup committee.

Intergroup Report was motioned and accepted.


New Business:

·        James wanted to find out about a GSR in Crystal Falls working with jails, our suggestion was Jim B. is our district officer.

·        How do we handle disruptions in a meeting?? We talked about the use of foul language and just being generally disruptive in a meeting. How far do we go? Our suggestion was to maybe take them aside outside the meeting, and talk to them with love and tolerance, putting yourself in their shoes.

·        Bruce L. suggested that we have a description of what are the duties and responsibilities of people serving in AA in the District 17 Area. So he was nominated and accepted to come up with the descriptions.

Motion to adjourn and meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


When anyone anywhere reaches out I want the hand of AA always to be there and for that I am responsible. 




                       Angie Z., District Secretary “Thank you for being patient and helping me in this process.”