District Newsletter January 9th, 2007

        Peace and Serenity to all my fellow AAs,
        It is hard to believe that Christmas and New Years has come and gone again! It just seemed to fly by for me. Being sober over the Holidays is such a blessing.

        The December district meeting was held December 27th at 6:30 pm at the VA medical center in Iron Mountain.

        Present were:  Steve S., Cliff W., Dennis S., and Aaron H. and Eric A.

        We opened with the serenity prayer. First on the agenda was the corrections report and the Treasury report.

        0900 – We needed a computer as the next step in updating our 0900 number and it looks like we are going to receive one. The issue is how we will be able to accept the gift. A church in town is ready to donate a new computer for our phone system to be set up on. We will discuss this at the next district meeting. Also, where do we set it up? Ideally we would have a small AA office, maybe the beginning our Central Intergroup office. Yea, I know, what a dreamer.

        Intergroup – There will be an update on the Intergroup at our next meeting and the date for the first meeting will be set. Also if anyone has any suggestions for service workshops, meetings, etc., we will discuss it.

        AA Picnic - A new chair for the annual AA picnic is needed for 2007.  Anyone interested contact me.

        Contributions – Yes, this is from the last newsletter.  Please go over this with your groups. Guidelines for contributions are as follows,  60/30/10.  60% going to the district, 30 being to the area, 10 to New York/GSO.  Being self supporting is one the many things that has helped AA be a success, no handouts from society, just us drunks supporting ourselves. Please help by talking to your groups about following this plan. Please ask your groups to use the birthday envelopes and contribute regularly.

        Financial Security – Maybe we need to look at this issue. A checks and balance system for the treasury in our  district and meetings. A few ideas will be kicked around.

        New Meeting – There is new meeting on Friday nights at 6:00 pm. It is considered a teen or young peoples meeting. I believe it is the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at 221 W. “B” St. On the corner across from the Iron Mountain High School. See Emily for further info.

        Thanks – Thanks to the Iron Mountain VA groups for providing coffee and donuts for our district meeting, it was much appreciated.

        We closed with the Our Father.

        Service is about what we can do for others! Please be a service sponsor. Please pick out a member and ask them to help! Keep working on them don’t take no. It is our responsibility. Somehow we must make people start caring about what is happening in AA at the service level.

        In Love and Service,
        Steve S., District 17 DCM, Area 74
        P.O. Box 415, Iron Mountain, MI  49801               
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Financial Report