Area74, District 17 A.A. Corrections Report    3/27/07                           PAGE 2

      Our fellow AA, Vikki W. has finally been cleared to attend the Dickinson County Correctional Facility Women’s. A.A. meeting, the whole process was about five weeks.  The district still needs another woman to help with this meeting, please inform all groups about this in their business part of meeting if you all would.  Contact me at number listed below.
     Terry M., whom is doing the Florence County Men’s A.A. Corrections is looking for a woman to go into Corrections on same day has men’s meeting to host a small one on one meeting with a woman whom is a guest for the next two months.  This meeting would be held separate from men’s, but on same day and time every Thursday evening; also the county correctional center will waive the requirement of two years clean time for this woman’s position.  If interested please contact me at number below.

     Still no one has come forward for Iron Counties men’s A.A. Correctional Meeting.  Any one wishing to do this will need to understand that it is going to take time for this meeting to come back to life - and has corrections chair I will try to do the best I can as it is another county for me and I will have to approach those in charge about this meeting.  It really would be great if two serious men would volunteer for this meeting.  Once again if interested please contact me at number below.

      Dylan N. has been staying in touch and I need to return his call of recent.   I have been in battle with my computer skills, printers, and other thing - so I can only cover so much while trying to maintain the computer besides.

     Also this past month I went to Delta County Intergroup to host a small informal corrections meeting which went okay for nervous nelly - me.
Their area could use some help from inside and out.  I  will inform Dylan about this and I did give out his number to those that needed it.

     That is all for now, my number is 906-563-9003, if no answer leave name & number and I will get back to you; be patient and tolerant.

     Respectfully submitted, Dennis S.