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         This past winter a proposal was brought before the responsible groups in our district to purchase a computer ( for $10.00) and get the software program for the 0900 AA number.  It was also agreed after much discussion and a very gracious offer by Cliff, to have it housed temporarily at his place for six months and no more.
          Cliff is also responsible for our district having a web site and has set up the #0900 software program on his computer.  This six month period was so we could check around for a place to house (the computer bought, 0900 AA number and software program) and possibly have a central district office.  One option is to find a church with available space, but in all cases we are responsible for our expenses, which means paying rent and other expenses.

          We your servants are faced with going forward toward a central district office that would house the computer, an office for district business, and a place to keep our districts archives.  We have to do something as change is here, it has been discussed and decisions were made by responsible groups (active GSR involvement) within the district to proceed.   At our last District Meeting of 27 June, 2007; it was suggested to bring this issue to all groups - VIA - written contact to be dispersed as best as possible. 

          Having the 0900 AA number in our control and responsibility is established.   To make a central district office become a reality would require financial support from all groups within our district.  So the questions put before all our groups is simply this; will you support the financial needs of a central district office?  We have some offers at present, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

          A financial estimation and projection statement will accompany this communication.  It is hoped all groups will give this matter and their individual representation within our district the respect they deserve on this and all matters of our Fellowship.  Recovery (growth), Service (sharing and caring), and Unity ( We, not I or mine) are our Legacy.

          Respectfully submitted;
                                             Your Servant of District 17               
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