District Newsletter con't...

District 17 central website: 136 hits past month. Updated on July 17th. Joe L. is volunteering to be trained on the website. Thanks Joe! (See DCM report above for more information) Our website can be viewed at http://district17a74.org. Please check it out for important announcements. Visit the Area website at http://area74.org to stay up to date with all Area business.

Meeting Cards: 250 meeting cards left in District Office … Todd: Has had several new-comers at the Alano Club taking them. Need more there. Jennifer will check with the DI Tech Center Graphics department for making new meeting cards & get a quote for next months’ meeting.

Archives Chair: John has archives well in-hand. Jen gave John the DJ contract from conference. He spent $12.99 for files, folders etc. & he wants to be reimbursed. Unanimously accepted. If you want anything added to archives, give it to John & he’ll file it. Joe: Are they all hard copy? Yes … but we should eventually get them on CD or flash drive. Also, there is an archives page on our website that has back log at least of the past four years of monthly newsletters and events.

Public Information Committee Chair: James has spent almost the whole $150.00, but not quite all. He wants to give the rest back (~ $1.22) … Bruce say: Keep it, James! James: Wants to write a few letters to schools, police departments, etc to get the message out there. He’s struggling with the language & would like some help from Joe (?). James talked to someone inside the court system, & they do have sympathy for the alcoholic in AA that needs to protect their anonymity from court appointed people. He would like to make up a packet for court appointed people. Jen: Marquette area has a work-shop like meeting for court appointed people, & it seems to work well. Kevin: He was court appointed & is glad that there wasn’t a special meeting since it wouldn’t have worked for him. John R.: Jen should check with DI Tech Center Graphics about copying the pamphlet entitled "So the Court is Sending You to AA - and You Hate the Idea" … A good pamphlet, but Jen suggests adding in the sentence "This means you must not discuss who you see at an AA meeting and they will respect your anonymity as well." … Jen will bring back a quote next month.

2009 Intergroup: Saturday, August 15th, 2009, Gwinn, (VFW) Normal times (EST). REMEMBER … THIS IS WHEN WE FINALIZE INTERGROUP BIDS!!

New business: Need to discuss sending snail mail letters to people not on Internet. Tabled for next month.

Announcements: Please see District Website and Area Website.

Group Change Forms: Ken W.: There’s an article in the Grapevine for group change information. Individual GSRs will be able to get into the data base & change their group information. Until we check on that, if you have changes to your groups as far as times, meeting format, GSR’s, etc. please mail to the district at: P.O. Box 415, Iron Mountain, MI 49801

Our next GSR meeting will be Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at 6:30 PM at the District Central Office in Kingsford. *****IF YOU ARE A GSR, PLEASE PLAN ON ATTENDING!!!

The meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer

Respectfully submitted, Jen J., District secretary


Financial Report

July 2009

Forwarded balance       $1,202.70


  • 7-14-09 Friday AM (anonymous) grp. IM $50.00
  • 7-14-09 Early Friday night grp. IM $50.00
  • 7-28-09 Early Fri mourning Grp. IM $30.00
  • 7-28-09 Sunday Night Amasa Grp $60.00

  • 6-30-09 ck #1221 James B. P I Funds $150.00
  • 6-30-09 ck #1222 Cliff W. Coffee GSR meeting $9.75
  • 7-6-09 ck #1223 C J Graphics 1000 meeting cards $195.00
  • 7-14-09 ck #1224 ATT 0900 phone $31.71
  • 7-17-09 ck #1225 World Service Inc books for $23.00 Corrections                   
  • Balance Forwarded                           $983.24
  •               We are self-supporting through our own contributions


                                      Bruce L. Treasurer district 17