
Filed last month’s meeting & the written cabinet is up to date. Received some Al-Anon meeting history.

Public Information:

               James made copies for doctors office and ordered brochures to distribute to hospital.  He wants   

               Give envelopes to doctor that says Dear Patient: for alcoholic patients.

 James also asked about having a meeting for beginners focusing on the first three steps and more will be discussed about that at next month meeting. 

Cliff proposed to change the title of the PI Chair to read PI/CPC Chair. The vote was unanimous to change the title 

DCM Report:

Bruce had no new news.   He did propose giving James $200 advance for supplies and that was tabled until next meeting. 

Our next GSR meeting will be Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 6:30 PM at the District Central Office in Kingsford. *****IF YOU ARE A GSR, PLEASE PLAN ON ATTENDING!

The meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted for the first time, Secretary, Erica H