P.O. Box 415 Iron Mtn. Mi 49801             http://www.area74.org

TOPIC:  Monthly GSR Meeting
DATE:  Sat 05/31/03
LOCATION:  Alano Club, Iron Mountain, Mi
                                                               105 W Flesheim St

       At 5:30 P.M. (CST) this meeting was called to order by DCM Bill D. with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.  Those in attendance were Bill, Kay, Sharon W., Tim P., Larry W., Jennifer J., Chuck K., Daryl J., and Cliff W.

       The minutes of the previous meeting were submitted for review.  The following correction was made to paragraph #9 concerning the traveling Intergroup.  It had stated the wrong town and the wrong weekend for it to be held (OOPS!).  A motion was made and carried to accept the minutes as corrected.

       The financial report (See Attached Sheet) then submitted by Sharon for review.  A motion was made and passed to accept the financial report as is.

       OLD BUSINESS:  Sharon stated that no actions occurred concerning the 0900 AA hotline number.  In the discussion that ensued, it again was agreed that the 0900 hotline number would have to be moved, once we have the billing address part corrected.

       Sharon then presented a new Requisition Form to be used for District 17 (see-attached copy).  This form was adopted from the Area74 form.  It was agreed after a lengthily discussion that person(s) requesting anything from the District, please, report to a monthly meeting in person to fill out a requisition.  The District will now start keeping a record (dates, time, locations, reasons, etc.) of all activities & orders made to the District.  All moneys paid out by the District for any reason accepted will have a record of such transaction.  It was also agreed that such person(s) who have a requisition approved for money or products are requested to please come to a monthly meeting to receive it.

       DCM Bill, Sharon, & Larry all elaborated on what transpired at the past Spring Conference held in Kimberly, Wi., the first weekend in May.  One hot topic discussed was how do we get GSR’s more involved with
the District?  Why is it that only a small percentage of GSR’s attend monthly District GSR meetings?
       A lengthily discussion ensued on what can be done for this District.  At present, the District 17 has a mailing list of thirty-five (35) GSR’s, past officers, and person(s) who receive a copy of the monthly minutes.  If a GSR is not coming to the monthly meeting for GSR’s, this person should be dropped off the mailing list.  These so-called GSR’s are not performing their job. And, the GSR’s that receive a copy of the minutes, are they presenting these minutes to their Group?
       A good point to this discussion was the fact that some Groups in the District have there own mailing address that does not change.  No matter who represents these Groups, the monthly minutes are getting to the Group.
       On a final note to discussion, DCM Bill stated that it would be a good idea for this District to hold a GSR Workshop (some weekend) prior to next year’s area traveling Intergroup.
       If any person(s) have comments or suggestions, please mail to District17 P.O. Box 415 Iron Mountain, Mi 49801.

       The next monthly GSR Meeting is to be held on Sat 6/28/03 at 5:30 P.M. (CST) at the NEW Alano Club in Iron Mountain.

       THERE is NO traveling Intergroup for the month of June.

       This Monthly GSR Meeting closed at 6:40 with Our Father.

       Your Secretary (who is headed for Akron, Ohio for the weekend & Founder’s Day with this mailing).
                                                        Cliff W.

We are self-supporting through our own contributions.  Remember, that the District needs the support of all AA meetings……