AREA 74 District 17

TOPIC:  Monthly GSR Meeting
DATE:  Sat 10/26/02
LOCATION:  Alano Club, Iron Mountain, Mi

       At 6:00 P.M. (CST) meeting called to order by DCM Bill D. with serenity prayer and a moment of silence. Those present were Bill D., Sharon W., Robin D., Bruce L., Harry S., Ken W., Chuck S., Tim D., Daryl J., Tim P., Larry W., Jennifer J, and Cliff W.
       The minutes of the previous meeting submitted for review.  A motion then made to accept and passed as mailed.
       The financial report then submitted by District 17 treasurer Sharon for review.  A motion was made to accept financial statement as is and passed.
        A motion was made to move the monthly GSR meeting up 30 minutes to prevent interference into the Saturday Couch Meeting at Alano Club that starts at 6:30 P.M. (CST).  This motion was seconded and passed.  The Monthly GSR meeting will take place at 5:30 P.M. (CST) on the final Saturday of the month.
        It was agreed by all in attendance to have treasurer Sharon order the printing another 1,000 meeting cards’ for District #17, including the updated changes at the expense of the District.
       Sharon then announced that a date has been set for the upcoming Iron Mtn/Kingsford Intergroup to be held on Saturday, April 12th, 2003 at K of C Hall in Kingsford.  Persons interested in either the chair or co-chair of Intergroup, voice your interest to a GSR or any officers of the District.
       This meeting was then handed over to Larry, who presented the final Fall Conference report.  The Fall Conference ‘Back to Basics’ turned out to be a huge success.  An appreciated round of applause went out to Larry, Sharon, and all those who contributed to the success of the Conference.
       As PI Chair of Area74, Larry then announced that Area74 has proceeded to start up a web sight that can be accessed at The new sight will have (by the start of the new year) many links concerning Area74 and recovery issues.  Any suggestions for the new web sight can contact Larry at (906) 779-5805.
       It was then announced that any GSR’s or persons interested in attending the Spring Assembly in April at Three Lakes, Wi. can contact DCM Bill D., at (906) 246-3297.  Transportation (?) and lunch will be funded at the expense of the District.
       The next Intergroup will be at St. John’s Church in Ishpeming on Sat., 11-9-02.
       This meeting proceeded to a round the table talk by GSR’s of their particular meetings’ update.  It was great to hear positive notes from GSR’s represents Carney, Iron River, Crystal Falls, Pembine, Florence, Norway, Randville, Iron Mountain, and Kingsford.
        This GSR meeting closed at 7:15 P.M. (CST) with Our Father.

                                                                                            Clifford W.
                                                                                              (District 17 Sec.)

       Next GSR Meeting to be held.......

                                                 Saturday, November 30th, 2002

       at Alano Club, Iron Mountain at 5:30 P.M. (CST)
