TOPIC:           Monthly GSR Meeting
DATE:             Sat 11/30/02
LOCATION:  Alano Club, Iron Mountain, Mi
       At 5:30 P.M. (CST) meeting was called to order by DCM Bill D. with a moment of silence followed by the serenity prayer.  Those present were Tim D., Ken W., Chuck S., Joyce L., Larry W., Eleanor F., Sharon W., Bill D., and Cliff W.
       The minutes of the previous meeting submitted for review.  A motion then made to accept and passed as mailed.
       The financial report then submitted by District 17 treasurer Sharon for review.  A question was brought forth on why is the current balance so high?  Is this typical for a District balance?  DCM Bill explained that this has been rare for District 17, but now on par for what a District balance should be.  It has to be understood that the District expenditures over a course of one year are well over one thousand dollars.  The AA Groups of District 17 have been superb in making contributions to the District.  The past success of the Fall Conference was a huge added help in solidifying the District.  A motion was made to accept the financial statement as is and passed.
       New District 17 meeting cards have been printed and are now available in its’ new color.  A meeting card is enclosed with this monthly letter.
       On the subject of the upcoming Spring Assembly to be held in April at Three Lakes Wisconsin;  a motion was made and passed that transportation and lunch will be furnished by expense of the District.  Tentatively, transportation will be provided from the Alano Club, Iron Mtn. and lunch at the Assembly.  Any GSR’s or persons interested in attending can contact any officer of District 17:  Bill at (906) 246-3297;  Sharon/Larry at (906) 779-5808;  Cliff at (906) 779-0915.
       It was then announced that Sharon W. will chair the upcoming Intergroup to be held on April 12th, 2003 at K & C Hall in Kingsford.  Eleanor F. will be co-chair.
       A motion was made and passed to give District Secretary (Cliff W.) $50 for expenses in printing out the monthly newsletter.
       After a round table discussion, this GSR meeting ended with Our Father at 6: 30 GSR monthly meeting, Sat 12/28/02 at 5:30 P.M. (CST).
                                                                           Clifford W. (sec)
From Our Family to Yours’
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year