District17 Area74
                                       P.O. Box 415 Iron Mtn, Mi 49801          http://area74.org

Subject:  Monthly GSR Meeting
Date:  Saturday, November 29th, 2003
Location:  Alano Club, Iron Mountain, Mi.
                   105 W Flesheim St

     At 5:30 PM (CST) this meeting was called to order by DCM Bill D. with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.  Those in attendance were Larry W, Bill D, Daryl J. Ken W, and Cliff W.
     Cliff submitted the minutes of the previous meeting for review.  A motion was made to accept and passed as mailed.  The financial report was reviewed and a motion was made to accept and passed as mailed. (See attached financial report submitted by Sharon W.)
     OLD BUSINESS: Concern of the 0900 hotline # was on tap.  Ken and Cliff stated that on Tuesday, October 28th, they met with Pete Shlitt at the Dickinson County Correctional Center and presented a copy of the new District 17 meeting card of AA, NA, and Al-Anon meetings.  Pete agreed on having the changes made and requested to have tapes made of the listings of meetings. On Tuesday, November 10th, Ken and Cliff brought forth to Pete two cassette tapes of meetings with a letter written explaining a suggested format of presentation.  This letter also implemented that District 17 was paying the phone bill for the 0900 hotline # which currently presents outdated information of meetings.  As of this here GSR meeting, no further contact has been made.
     Larry made a suggesting to pull out the 0900 hotline # and place same in his home.  In that way, we (District17) could make the necessary changes as they occur.
     After further discussion, it was agreed upon to let Ken and Cliff pursue the matter further for another month.
     Subject of holding a GSR Workshop was tabled.
     NEW BUSINESS: The next Traveling Intergroup is slated for Saturday, December 13th, 2003 at the Senior Center in Bark River, Mi.
     A note was tabled concerning District 17 Intergroup to be held in Kingsford, Mi in April 2004.  Volunteer help will be needed!!!!!  Anyone interested can contact Sharon W. at (906) 779-5808 or a contact letter sent to District 17 at the address above.
     Ken presented a signed affidavit requesting eight (8) softcover pocket version of Alcoholics Anonymous and a package deal of recovery pamphlets for the DCCC.  A motion was made and accepted to have Sharon order it in completing the request.
     Daryl J. stated that as new incoming Secretary of District 17, that he is unable to make the 5:30 starting time of the Monthly GSR Meeting.  This discussion was tabled for further changes to be made next month. (Saturday, December 27th at 5:30 PM (CST)
     This meeting closed with Our Father at 6:25 PM.
                                         Your Secretary,
                                                                     Cliff W.

We are self-supporting through our own contributions.  Remember that the District needs the support of all meetings.