Broken glass B. D. clothing and bedding items, what kit: Sturdy shoes or boots* Blankets or sleeping bags* Thermal underwear \quad\text{Subsidy expense accrued under direct loan \& guarantee programs}&\underline{\text{\hspace{20pt}11.8}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{13pt}(22.0)}}\\ General Provis. Emergency Management Institute (EMI) | Student Portal \quad\text{Subtotal-cash flow from financing}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}844.0}}&\underline{\hspace{15pt}\text{540.2}}\\[5pt] You and your buddy quickly retrieve a portable fire extinguisher, which you have determined is the right type of extinguisher to fight this fire. B. In order to become a CERT volunteer, you must complete a 20 hour FEMA/CERT training class. C. Report suspicious activity This devastating event demonstrated the need for training civilians to serve an active role in the immediate response to community disasters, and to do so in a safe and informed manner. A. Utilities ________________, __________________, & ______________, It is important to wear the appropriate ____________________________ First aid manual C. Enter the house after the firefighters The first step in doing so is to register with the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP). B. Identify the general case. \text{g. green fluorescent protein} & \text{7. suppression of gene expression by double-stranded RNA}\\ A. (3) lives, health, and the environment are endangered, What are the three most important things at risk in the case of an emergency/disaster. A. Sunscreen * Loss of contact between survivors and service providers. Explain to the president why the step-down method provides a better basis for computing predetermined overhead rates than the direct method. D. 1/3 teaspoon drops, Water quantity to bleach ratios: 1 gallon The class is typically held twice each year in Huntington Beach. Upon successfully completion both items, you can become a CERT volunteer. &&&& \underline{\underline{\$6,240}}\\ They are trying to ensure that the market reaches an equilibrium What is a main feature of the CERT program Trained volunteers use a consistent, nationwide approach to support emergency responders with disaster preparedness and response. * Available personnel and emergency services may be (2)________________ initially by demands for their services. These shelters often provide water, food, medicine, and basic sanitary facilities but, if possible, you should take your 3-day disaster supplies kit with you so that you will be sure to have the supplies you require. Evaluation checklist B. You should identify an internal room in your home, at work, or other locations where you spend a great deal of time. CERT: Disaster Preparedness Flashcards | Quizlet C. Leave immediately The CERT concept was initially developed and implemented by the Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) in 1985 after the Whittier Narrows earthquake of 1987. & \textbf{Accounts Rec. Possible Effects are: * Loss of service Damaged roads and disrupted communications systems may restrict the access of emergency response agencies into critically affected areas. Increase in alcohol or drug consumption Clean and disinfect high-touch objects and surfaces. \text{Cafeteria}&&\$\hspace{10pt}320,000*\\ D. The National CERT Program Office, Which of the following forms contains essential information for tracking the overall situation? C. money that can be used in social setting B. \textbf{Date} & \textbf{No.} A. agitation D. Temporary leader, where can you find resources on the American red cross On November 14, Hydro Clothing sold the remaining shares at $7 per share. B. food items Possible Effects are: * Medical facilities hampered C. Food, Fire, Fright, Flight, Fear \quad\text{Change in cash balance}&\text{159.5}&\text{40.2}\\ Mix in 8 drops of non-perfumed chlorine bleach per gallon of water and wait for 30 minutes A. A. pet items Assume that during the current year the company bids on a job that requires machine and labor time as follows: a. \textbf{As of September 30, 2016}\\ If sheltering-in-place is needed, you will be in this room for only a few hours, but it is important that you be able to seal the room quickly. D. Hotel Buildings, What are the five Fs? b. Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency (e.g., the fire department); Round to the nearest cent or tenth of a percent. Gas line ruptures (4) network and help others 1101827InvoiceNo.112113114115AccountDebitedEnvironmentalSafetyCo.JenkinsCo.Eco-SystemsTEKCorp.Post.Ref. Question 2. \text{Nov.}\ 1 & 112 & \text{Environmental Safety Co.} & \left(\text{a}\right) & \$2,625\\ b. \quad\text{Interest paid on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{(262.7)}&\text{(243.5)}\\ . encodeproteinsthataccumulateinunfertilizedeggsandareneededforembryodevelopment11. Logistics for Emergency Management B. * Locating and turning off (1)__________________, if safe to do so What should you do first? Mitigation includes any activities that prevent an emergency, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, or reduce the damaging effects of unavoidable hazards. The___________________ Program can provide an effective first-response capability. The Disaster Plan is compliant with current federal guidelines for disaster planning (National Incident Management System). A. ATMs do not work and Credit card systems inoperable A. (1) identify and aid members who might need assistance If safe to do so post-disaster, CERTs will Until firefighters are available, post-disaster CERTs can How long should a CERT treat life-threatening injuries post-disaster? Get enough sleep Claudia Oshry Say Yes To The Dress - Property & Real Estate for Rent This course introduces you to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. Eat a balanced diet \quad\text{Subtotal-cash flow from monetary transactions}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}2.5}}&\underline{\hspace{25pt}\text{0.7}}\\[5pt] atagusedtofollowproteinsinlivingcells. C. personal sanitation items if there are inadequate resources: EMS personnel will handle _______ injuries. Weekly CERT newsletters B. A. What are things to consider when taking local hazard vulnerability into account? how do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet C. By department c. local schools, food businesses, and human resources However, conducting a financial statement analysis does provide a better understanding of the federal government. D. Can my buddy and I escape? Apply a tourniquet (1)________________________________ is designed to prepare you to help yourself and to help others in the event of a catastrophic disaster. 2. Keeping in mind that you are searching the room with only two other CERT members, which of the following is not a recommended way of moving the boy? A. Hands-on practice and realistic exercises O B. D. Distributing political pamphlets and other materials, There are five types of disasters. What should you do? (2) take training courses To become a CERT volunteer, you must complete the classroom training offered by a local government agency such as the emergency management agency, fire or police department. PDF more than 600,000 individuals - GPO B. Pack-strap carry - The CERT's sponsoring organization determines how and when to assign CERT volunteers. * Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency (e.g., the fire department) D. kitchen items, What kit: Emergency preparedness manual* Battery-operated weather radio and extra batteries Tube tent Then determine the amount of overhead that would be assigned to the job if the company used the overhead rates developed in (2) above. A. disaster kit You notice a nearby shed is posted with an NFPA 704 Diamond featuring the numbers 1, 1, a Set up a T account for Accounts Receivable and T accounts for the four accounts needed in the customer ledger. 1 minute. There are things you can do to prepare for terrorist attacks and reduce the stress that you may feel now and later should another emergency arise. D. clothing and bedding items, What kit: Emergency contact list and other important phone numbers Map of the area and phone numbers of places you could go Copies of prescriptions and/or original prescription bottles A. pandemic \textbf{Cash flow from non-budget activities}\\ 3 Declaring Independence *Part 1, CPJE: DIVISION 10 - Chapter 1. A. In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, needs are often greater than professional emergency services personnel can provide. 1. a.mosaicdeterminationb. I don't think he can breathe!" REVENUEJOURNAL\begin{array}{c} \textbf{REVENUE JOURNAL} ageneisturnedoninaninappropriatetissueoratthewrongtimem. Neighborhood preparedness will enhance the ability of individuals and neighborhoods to reduce their emergency needs and to manage their existing resources until _____________________________________________, professional assistance becomes available. B. A. 8. d. local businesses, food industry, and fire and rescue, What does EOP stand for? * Inability to assess damage accurately what are the 9 questions for scene size up? It is critical that all community members take steps to prepare in advance of an event. Before, during, and after disasters, CERT volunteer teams perform basic response activities, including checking in on neighbors, distributing information to the public, supporting emergency operations centers, and helping to manage traffic and crowds. Determine the amount of overhead that would be assigned to the job if the company used the overhead rates developed in (1) above. Monitoring the news for potential disaster threats (7) volunteer. Assess situation 2. A. \text{f. homeodomain} & \text{6. substance whose concentration determines cell fates}\\ \text{ } & \text{can be altered by the environment}\\ B. yes Briefings from FEMA personnel O C. This computer-based training course D. Weekly CERT newsletters 12. Before an emergency happens, sit down together and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in an emergency. Which burn classification is characterized by reddened, dry skin; pain: and swelling? It trains citizens in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. Inadequate water flow, which results in notice to boil water and hampered firefighting capabilities An unconscious . Moderate damage The CERT program is a nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization for communities to train volunteers about disaster preparedness and basic response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Having a centralized contact point makes it possible to communicate damage assessments and allocate volunteer resources more effectively. suppressionofgeneexpressionbydouble-strandedRNAh. * Roads are closed and/or impassable. RNAi4. What should you do if the fire continues to burn 5 seconds after you start to extinguish it? Join the CERT in disaster response efforts Increased risk of fire or explosion from fuel line rupture Volunteer Training Certification | Internal Revenue Service - IRS tax forms D. Connect with others, The goal of on-scene psychological intervention by CERT members is to stabilize the incident scene by stabilizing individuals. Learn about the community alerts and warnings, evacuation routes, and how to get critical information CERT Volunteers aim to do the greatest Individuals and Communities | A. all rooms D. all of the above, What buildings have a greater risk of collapse? Plan. C. foods for all age ranges C. feelings of always being on guard or on constant alert Contact nearest family member to get permission B. B. suppressionofgeneexpressionbydouble-strandedRNA8. (answer is head -> toe), CERT members are also a ___________ for the community. C. Emergency operations plan Transmission loss &&&& \hspace{19pt}\left(\text{e}\right) How should you proceed? C. Loss of service demands for their services. \textbf{For the Years Ended September 30, 2016, and 2015}\\ D. Address the man's medical needs, During which phase do survivors attempt to assess the damage and locate other survivors? Staffing parades, health fairs, and other special events C. Increased risk of fire or explosion from fuel line rupture All government agencies with a role in disaster response work to organize and coordinate the activities of the agencies before an emergency/disaster using.what? B. bolted to the foundation A. (For each service department, use the most appropriate allocation base.). A. B. Establish Priorities 6. how do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet D. Slight damage, As you begin the CERT size-up process, what is the first thing you should do? unit 1/2 test CERT Flashcards | Quizlet Find the indicated scalar or vector. A. B. C. D. ready/gov, What kind of permission does a CERT volunteer need to treat an unconscious patient? A more resilient community will be able to Community coalitions ______________ relationships, a framework for organizing community preparedness efforts, Examples of Natural disasters (alphabetical), blizzards, earthquakes, extreme heat, floods, hurricanes, landslides, thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, Examples of Technological & Accidental disasters (alphabetical), hazardous material spill, oil spill, nuclear power plant accident, radiation leaks, Examples of Terrorism disasters (alphabetical), biological, chemical, explosive weapons, nuclear, radiological, (1) relatively unexpected \text{ } & \text{eggs and are needed for embryo development}\\ A. Arterial B. Venous C. Capillary D. Mortal, What is the first thing you do to stop the bleeding? homeodomaing. \quad\text{Effect of uninvested principal from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) G Fund}&\text{(203.2)}&\text{203.2}\\ C. Honeymoon phase Log in for more information. C. food items B. Storing specific items in the room is helpful. I wonder if the problem is in our overhead rates., Severson Products manufactures high-quality wood products to customers specifications. \quad\text{Total unified budgetary outlays}&\underline{\text{(3,854.1)}}&\underline{\text{(3,687.6)}}\\ D. the bathrooms, Structural precautions B. high-rises \end{array} all members of the community should: report __________ activity. A. Repeat (1) above, this time using the direct method. Conduct a head-to-toe assessment D. CERT members are community volunteers who can give critical support to first responders, provide immediate assistance to victims, and organize spontaneous volunteers at the site of an emergency. All government agencies with a role in disaster response work to organize and coordinate their agencies' activities before an emergency or disaster. Incident Command System (ICS) A. pet items whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallele9. Yet we dont seem to be making much money on those Milling Department jobs. C. Balance work, play, and exercise How far away should possible flammable vegetation be away from a home to reduce a wildfire? The following document serves as a template to assist your long-term care organization to plan and prepare to meet the needs of both your residents and staff in the event of a disaster/emergency. Increased risk of fire or electrical shock C. Collapsing walkways and stairways. d. Describes how to protect people and property in emergencies and disasters, What describes how the community will function in an emergency C. 2 week The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) offers more than 50 training courses at its resident campus in Anniston, Alabama, and through mobile deliveries, focusing on incident management, mass casualty response, and emergency response to a catastrophic natural disaster or terrorist act. A. D. kitchen items, what kit: Medicine dropper Whistle Landline telephone * Assume some of the same functions as emergency services personnel following a disaster, While CERTs are a valuable asset in emergency response, CERTs are not trained to perform all of the functions or respond to the same degree as professional responders. A. Date2010Nov. Volunteer Hours Tracking: Volunteer time can be used to help with cost share during disasters. D. Increased risk of fire or electrical shock, What are possible communication systems impact? Decision to stay or change locations 3. Mix 1-part bleach and 10 parts water ectopicexpression5. C. assignidentitytobodysegmentsf. B. first aid kit (3) do demos * Police prevented from reaching areas of civil unrest C. Physically restrain her from entering The reduction of loss of life and property=. 4 drops This program educates people about disaster preparedness and how to protect your family, neighbors, and co-workers in a disaster or emergency situation. Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. 18 & 114 & \text{Eco-Systems} \hspace{58pt} & \left(\text{c}\right) & \hspace{5pt} 1,600\\ gas line ruptures, damage from falling objects, risk or injury or electric shock, fire, water heaters or ranges displaced by shaking, water, or wind. \text{b. regulative determination} & \text{2. initiated by the binding of ligand to receptor}\\ The survivor will die unless you find a medical professional Budgeted overhead costs in each department for the current year are as follows: Cafeteria$320,000CustodialServices65,400MachineryMaintenance93,600Milling416,000Finishing166,000Totalbudgetedcost$1,061,000\begin{array}{lrr} * Natural (e.g., earthquakes, wildfires, floods, extreme heat, hurricanes, landslides, thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, winter storms) A. * Coordination of services is hampered You follow others outside to find what caused the noise. C. Light damage B. first aid kit disease. \textbf{Cash flow from activities not included in unified budget}\\ Evaluate Progress what variables need to be taken into account for each question? D. EOP, What is the role of community leaders in emergency settings? (1) assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals, (3) describes how people and property will be protected, (4) identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources. D. Home, work, and vehicle, What is the name of the system used by emergency response agencies to manage emergency responses? \text{Other property, plant, and equipment}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}10.3}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}10.8}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{19pt}--}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{20pt}5.5}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{7pt}10.3}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{12pt}5.3}}\\ 27 & 115 & \text{TEK Corp.} \hspace{65pt} & \left(\text{d}\right) & \underline{ \hspace{15pt}965}\\ D. Make sure the house's water supply is shut off. Through hands-on practice and realistic exercises, CERT Volunteers: Learn how to safely respond to man-made and natural hazards; Help organize basic disaster response; and Promote preparedness within their communities. What's the whole community approach to emergency preparedness? 4 drops A. By being the first person to arrive on the scene Possible Effects are: Possible Effects: * The public. . B. Structures Consider the following recursive function: a. C. personal sanitation items * Fire departments prevented from getting to fires D. Nothing; you should let her be, To whom should you give documentation? Dr.FeesEarnedCr.$2,6251,0501,600965$6,240(e). * Ambulances prevented from reaching survivors What guidance does the Codification provide concerning the format of accounting disclosures? Threaten to call the police if she attempts to enter b. B. By working together, CERT members can assist in saving lives and protecting property using the basic techniques in this course. ageneisturnedoninaninappropriatetissueoratthewrongtime13. The (1)_____________________________________________________ concept was developed and implemented by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) in (2)_______________. \quad\text{Loans to the IMF}&\text{0.9}&\text{3.0}\\ Through hands-on practice and realistic exercises, CERT volunteers: Learn how to safely respond to man-made, technological, and natural hazards. Research Helps Volunteers Do the Most Good After a Disaster A, bounce back much more efficiently after a disaster and tend to rely less on outside resources to return to normal The complexity and uniqueness of the federal government makes it difficult to conduct a meaningful analysis of its financial condition. These are congregate care facilities that house many people in one location. \text{Total budgeted cost}&&\underline{\underline{\$\hspace{5pt}1,061,000}}\\\\ In an actual disaster, CERTs are deployed progressively and as needs dictate. B. Based on the ratios you have calculated, how would you assess the financial condition of the federal government for FY 2016? Check the label on the extinguisher A. C. Take antidepressants \end{array} A. \text{Milling}&&416,000\\ As you conduct your fire size-up, which of the following is the least important question to consider Ensuring evacuation routes are clear A. B. difficulty making decisions and occurrence of disturbing dreams Expert answered| emdjay23 |Points 196925| Log in for more information. A. household documents and contact information C. every room and workplace Look for creative resources to fight the fire Sheltering for an extended stay means that you would stay where you are for several days or, in the case of a pandemic, you may be asked to limit your time outside the home for up to 2 weeks. Because of its simplicity, the company has always used the direct method to allocate service department costs to the two operating departments. Property,Plan,andEquipmentAsofSeptember30,2016(inbillionsofdollars)\begin{array}{c} C. Take the bucket and find a place to boil the water, since you assume that one of the buildings must have a functional kitchen A. "I am a CERT member, but I have to wait for an official to declare a disaster before I can activate." While CERT training won't leave you an expert in any particular field, it will give you a solid foundation to build on. Medical facilities hampered Dr.}\\ Individuals and communities can work together to improve preparedness and respond to disasters and emergencies. The product of their work is the __________ ____________________________ for that community. A. aDNA-bindingmotiffoundincertaintranscriptionfactorsj. C. personal sanitation items 30 seconds. . \text{m. signal transduction pathways} & \text{13. a tag used to follow proteins in living cells}\\ Shelter in place: sealing a room. ___________________ should be a last resort. A. C. The survivor is bleeding internally B. building fire \hline To better prepare for hazards and protect themselves, loved ones, and their neighbors. Attempt to locate the man's family or friends to provide natural support How do you reduce the loss of life and property? The CERT Program trains community volunteers in basic fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. \textbf{Adjustments for non-cash outlays included in the unified budget}\\ Continue to conduct a size-up from a safe distance outside of the building As each CERT is organized and trained in accordance with standard operating procedures developed by the sponsoring agency, its members select an Incident Commander/Team Leader (IC/TL) and an alternate and identify a ________________________________________ to be used in the event of a disaster. A. C. Leave without delegating any of your Team Leader responsibilities D. You may never leave the Command Post under any circumstances, CERT members should always be assigned to teams of at least how many people? Damage from disasters may vary considerably from one location to another. B. IS 317.A Introduction to Community Emergency Response - FEMACourses D. Limited access to fuel (e.g., pumps that may not work), What is a possible impact of water service damage? \quad\text{Seignorage}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.6}}&\underline{\hspace{25pt}\text{0.6}}\\ ___________________________ is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. Consider Probabilities 4. B. \text{ } & \text{tissue or at the wrong time}\\ "What became clear early on was that there was a need to . A. Surveillance B. The costs of these service departments are allocated to other departments in the order listed on the following page. home hazards in terms of non-infrastructure damage: _______ ruptures from water heaters or ranges displaced by shaking, water, or wind, home hazards in terms of non-infrastructure damage: Risk of injury or _______ from displaced appliances and office equipment, home hazards in terms of non-infrastructure damage: _______ from faulty wiring, overloaded plugs, frayed electrical cords, important elements of disaster response: Having the skills to evaluate the situation _____ and to take effective action to ), you discharge the extinguisher. a.mosaicdetermination1. Medical facilities hampered any measure not requiring physical construction, any physical construction to reduce/avoid possible impacts of hazards in structures or systems. The CERT Program trains volunteers to prepare for the types of disasters that their community may face. B. D. Rescue Command System (RCS), In the CERT command structure, how is the CERT leader established? How to Set Up a Community Emergency Response Team - CivicPlus D. explosion site, What are possible transportation impacts? \end{array} B. Markup =$75= \$75=$75; markup rate of 60%60\%60% based on the selling price. 2 day A. airports and malls Volunteer Training Certification. Assess Your Own Situation 5. Property,Plan,andEquipmentAsofSeptember30,2016(inbillionsofdollars), AccumulatedDepreciation/CostAmortizationNet\begin{array}{c} D. The room number, You and three other CERT members begin searching the local library, a large brick building where many people in the community were instructed to take cover before the storm. CostAccumulatedDepreciation/AmortizationNet, DefenseOthersDefenseOthersDefenseOthersBuildings,structures,andfacilities384.1275.3230.1150.8154.0124.5Furniture,fixtures,andequipment1,054.5172.7639.7113.3414.859.4Constructioninprogress118.146.5N/AN/A118.146.5Land10.713.0N/AN/A10.713.0Internalusesoftware9.533.,plant,andequipment10.310.85.510.35.3Subtotal1,588.2565.9876.3298.3711.9267.6Totalproperty,plant,andequipment,net2,154.11,174.6979.5\begin{array}{lrrrrrr} sheltering: Sealing a room is a way to protect yourself from _____ in the air for a short period of time until the _____ dissipate. Ensure personal and family safety. B. A. "Assigning volunteers after a disaster can be difficult, because you don't know how . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Where can you find information on Ready Prepare. C. Injury or electric shock \textbf{(in billions of dollars)}\\ * Limited access to fuel, e.g., pumps that may not work Sealing a room is a way to protect yourself from contaminants in the air for a short period of time until the contaminants dissipate.