Good luck with your future endeavors as a CCMA!! maintenance log or spreadsheet. The female provider is not available. Wish this post had been here before my exam! Theres going to be good days and bad days in life and you arent defined by those bad days where you just lose motivation. Yes!! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A medical assistant is making a new sign in sheet for the patients who have appointments that day. Here is a quizlet I made to help me study: Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Choose your main instructional resource. Now I did study for a total of 2 months and it was just not the practice exam that allowed me to pass but it definitely was very helpful. I'm not too sure if you can get water or not because no one in my class did, but I would just ask the proctor if they will let you. I personally just memorized the colors by saying them, but you can also use the mnemonic: Stop light red. NHA CCMA Practice Test Questions and Answers(2022/2023) A medical assistant is witnessing a patient signed informed consent form. into which of the following sections of the POMR should the assistant enter the patient's health history and laboratory results? A medical assistant received a phone call from a parent of a child who has possibly interested in a household cleaner. You don't want to end up chatting with a live agent to get your username/password. Key Term nha ccma 180 questions This preview shows page 1 - 4 out of 15 pages. For online CCMA exams, NHA will officially post your certification results to your account page within two days of scoring your test. (not that there is a huge difference, but the questions tend to be more situational on the real thing than the standard quiz questions you'd see if you were taking a CCMA course), **** If you would like more free resources, I can send my notes/study guide/cheat sheet from my school. The practice test is a lifesaver!! below and contact your NHA representative with any questions. Prepare, prepare, prepare Time to study! A patient reports getting a bill that includes Services she did not receive. In which of the following positions should a medical assistant place in a two month old patient when administering eardrops to the right ear? NHA Medical Assistant (CCMA) Learning Solutions - AscendBase Encounter form also known as super bill it contains information about any and all services provided by Clinic staff including referrals a follow up appointments. which of the following healthcare provider should the assistant I did the find as being able to make a diagnosis and initiate the necessary treatment? (An exam fee payment is required during this step.). Good luck to you, and I know you'll do amazing things no matter where you go! NHA CCMA is part of our Medical Pocket Prep that contains prep content for 16 other Medical exams. A medical assistant is assisting a patient who is obese with an insulin injection. Which of the following cell structures is the source of energy for cell? The patient is the assistant that he cannot except blood transfusions due to his religious beliefs. Thank you so SO much. A medical assistant is reinforcing teaching with a patient who is going home after having extensive suturing to a laceration. The patient reports intermittent episodes of ringing in his ears. When assisting a provider with a vaginal examination and Pap test, A medical assistant should identify that which of the following instruments is necessary? The earlier you start, the better, but I'd also try to aim for studying 3-4 weeks in advance. What is the number of teeth in adult humans? That means getting between 78% and 85% is critical. I will say that the Phlebotomy and Procedure sets were deleted :( But I found these awesome sets which should hopefully help:,, (The other sets this person created are absolutely amazing, and I would also try to go over those if you have the time). Most importantly it has given me opportunity to get a job that allows me to be a better mom by being home in the evenings and on the weekends. Medical Billing and Coding Certification | CBCS - AscendBase A medical assistant is measuring a patient's blood pressure with an aneroid sphygmomanometer And a stethoscope. The sister is required by OSHA regulations to wear which of the following pieces of personal protective equipment while performing the procedure? The practice test was a lifesaver, and I'm so glad that it helped you out . We also had to put everything, including any water bottles, in a separate area. Reinforced teaching about frequency of medication administration. Which of the following manifestations should the assistant expect to find? Please review the available resources below and contact your NHA representative with any questions. What is the total number of bones in the human body? NHA CCMA EXAM REVIEW 2022. What Is the NHA CCMA Exam & How Do You Prepare Students for It? Review today's encounter forms to determine if another patient receive the services. Infant urine collection- how to wipe infant before collecting urine. If possible, I would use NimblePrep and Union Test Prep's administrative section for extra practice (Disclaimer: if you want all the questions they have for that particular section or just all the questions they have in general, you'll have to pay for access. Service is provided after the expiration date, A medical assistant has a request to collect the routine CBC from a healthy tomato infant. Removing sutures from a healing laceration. And what organization governs emergencies. Where can a person who has a disability go for more info about work accommodations? Which of the following laboratory Values should a medical assistant immediately report to a patients provider? Which of the following describes this type of medication? How to collect throat culture? A medical assistant asked to assist and provide her with an orthopedic examination. Order additional laboratory test to confirm the patient's condition. As another Redditor had posted, they went over her Quizlets religiously, and I HIGHLY suggest you do the same. Read our cookie policy to learn more. 2020. 309 bones B. This should be stickied!! I will say this is probably THE BEST resource that a fellow Redditor was able to find for me:, (without answers), (with answers), This is THE HOLY GRAIL STUDY GUIDE/TEST. What body system is in charge of homeostasis chemicals? A fast and steady flow with no variability. NHA CCMA Practice Test Questions and Answers - StuDocu I took my test on April 29, and I had multiple questions from the guide. a mask, a face shield, and protective apparel? We have study materials available, including an interactive study guide and practice test. My instructor told us we could, but the proctors said no :( So prepare for not being able to have one, and honestly, you don't really need one. when preparing a patient for Holter monitoring, which of the following actions should the medical assistant take? Which of the following should the assistant do to ensure patient understanding? Send the specimen to the testing laboratory on the same day as the collection. This is what kicking down that door to your success and chopping it into tiny pieces feels like. Which of the following patient status indicates an understanding of the teaching? " This engaging online study guide provides contemporary learning tools such as interactive games, quizzes, flashcards, and professionalism tips from experts in the field. This guide was very helpful. Which of the following terms of the assistant use when documenting this finding in a patient's medical record? I was extremely fortunate to go over these the night before my test, and I was even able to ask my professor about some of the questions that I struggled with on the guide and what answers she thought were correct. Did you find the Dropbox link to be most helpful? The medical system is preparing to perform a capillary collection from an older adult patient who has poor circulation in his hands. The parent of a child who has pediculosis asking a medical assistant for more information about her child's condition. Which of the following is outside of medical assistant scope of practice? Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Diane Brown, Helen Edwards, Lesley Seaton, Thomas . Which of the following medical record documentation is organized by the entity that supplied the data? Terms of Use Congrats again . I am so excited to be sharing this info and to finally make this post For the past few weeks, I've been coming on here daily to look at the posts people have made, and I'm so grateful to this community for all the resources and info that has been provided! Let's go over some practice questions together!If you are taking the RMA or CMA exam, this content can also be helpful . A pulse oximeter Can register an artificially Hello oxygen saturation measurement for a patient who has which of the following conditions? that can help you achieve your healthcare career goals . A medical assistant has a blood pressure cuff and flight in a partially opened the valve to deflate as he listens with a stethoscope. 28. The pharmacist calls the clinic to confirm an e-prescription request to fill a patients medication order. The National Healthcare Association (NHA) is a certification agency for healthcare workers in America. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We shut the following stages of the cardiac cycle and an EKG strip for represents ventricular depolarization? A medical assistant discovers a garbage campfire has started in the break room of the medical office. NimblePrep and Union Test Prep: I started off by studying with these programs, and they are great, but I just ran out of time and couldn't finish them. A lot of information and helpful! Which of these is not active in respiration? Which of the following techniques should a medical assistant use when bandaging a wound? Make sure the midpoint of the patient's arm is at the level of the patient's heart. Show that the period of the pendulum is 2[l/(g+a)]1/22 \pi[l /(g+a)]^{1 / 2}2[l/(g+a)]1/2, where l is the length of the pendulum. You'll see that the answers are debatable for some, but just try your best and, if possible, use your textbook for some help or ask your instructor) * I put multiple links in case one stops working, but they are all the same document*. Ask the patient to raise his hand when he no longer has any sound. The fifth intercostal space, left middle midclavicular line? I only had 4 days to study for this exam and the study materials posted here SAVED ME! We're here to support you. Congratulations and thank you!!!! Cleanse the site with surgical soap and antiseptic. which of the following actions should the assistant take first? When inspecting the patient skin lesions, the assistant should expect to observe which of the following characteristics? Retake questions youve missed and improve you overall score. A medical assistant is reviewing the progress notes of a patient's record that uses the soap format. (DISCLAIMER: A lot of the answers on here they said are right are definitely not.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,