This I heard recently from another astrologer and it really makes sense. O got thinking how to do to help her in life with her aspect, that seemsto be hard. Chiron is hovering on my Pisces Mars ( yes, its been a hellova emotional/physical ride ) sometimes i can see the people involved with issues that i have never met. So I got four over-lapping fingers of fate constituting a challenge to my positive aspects. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. I have not had problems with either, and my psychic gifts were apparent to me at a young age. They will learn the lessons of pain. Overall I avoid people, they drive me crazy especially in group scenarios I get lost, I feel/sense too much. Sorry for all the posts but I just realized something importantNN transiting Gemini trine my conjunction as well this past year..! I abused substances for 20 yrs and was lost in a fog of deception, most certainly. In my case Jupiter in 9H is a manifestation planet/placement and happily sitting in its natural house). I feel this placement is very creative, and POF Gemini is about communication while Sagittarius is writing and travel. Saturn in the 9th is like believing in a harsh God/Goddess, like a punishing or stern figureso finally the potential to end up studying traditional astrology (9th house - astrology -, 9th house - studies - and Saturn - traditional astrology can be a bit fatalistic/fate-based) got actualised And it was that loss (Saturn) that made me look for answers and study (9th) that specific field of astrology. 2023 Calendar Showing 1 to 166 of 166 entries Note that at the top of this table is a search bar. I have Neptune (Rx) at 8Sag30 and NN at 19Sag28, I say a tad too much for a conjunction but as you asked. See below for transits from other planets. Are you born in 1991? His death was dramatic and attention-getting (Leo), associated with a short journey (3rd)and sadly may have . Jupiter is the fairy godmother placement. June 6, 2012. Your email address will not be published. I have a NN and Neptune conjunction. Neptune conjuct NN in 7th H (3 orbs) Neptune is conjuct my DSC and Uranus all in Capricorn. Virtually all these transits to the Nodes open up the possibility of encountering someone who shakes up or changes your life in some way, and helps propel you forward. North Node In Gemini 2020-2022 - How It Will Affect You NN in the 7th tells me you already know about 1st house (South node Aries energy, me the conqueror energy) from past life. Just like Jupiter, the N-Node is also associated with growth as we move forward in life in the direction it sets out for us; whereas the S-node is always related to the past (life), just like Saturn is related to the 'old' and 'karmic'. haha i am very quirky but people like it they always tell me not to change. I have North Node conjunct Neptune in the 8th house. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius is a KEY astrological transit that will influence you from 2020 until 2022. . Originally posted by Selenite: tNeptune in 9 Pisces trine my Venus 9 Scorpio from the 7th house and trine his DC in 9 Cancer. I would love to hear how things have gone for you over the last few years, in terms of this aspect, if youd be willing to share at all. 10 planets from Sun to Pluto and the North Node in detail. Consuming information and knowledge is a full-time job. I have been searching the internet and Facebook groups for what seems like weeks now looking for some insight. So I mind how I Exchange energy with others. Im always being guided and receive downloads daily. I feel there is a lot of tendency to pendulum between the things that are artsy, expressive, otherworldly and the things that we crave that are materialistic personal achievements, luxuries, comforts, etc. Oh my NN is 10 from my IC .. Id love feed back. The trine and the sextile reveal a strong and diligent mental capacity. The manifestation could be anything from an actor to a teacher. The softer aspects will reveal a person who loves to travel and who will never stop learning. So sorry about your loss, CrisLondon. Everest. I bartend, drive in the gig economy, whatever. Barbra, its been a few years since your wrote this post. Then the Sun at 16 and Venus at 24 and Vesta at 26 Sagittarius. The north node is the exact opposite zodiac sign of the south node. I dont have Uranus conj the NN. I have a hard time letting loose and relaxing because my concerns are always about everyone else. You may have some other good aspects to the NN though like Pluto, the Moon or some asteroids. Welcoming change will bring you the greatest reward. So its nice to hear folks sharing their similar feelings on this. I find that i can connect with people very easily. I hope I can do this in my articles. You might feel that you are an especially sensitive person, picking up on others energy. Conception is further indicated if transiting Pluto aspects your natal Moon and/or ruler of your 4 . You look at the world on a macroscale and can help introduce new ways of thinking, science, or technology. Like you I have a conjunction of my natal NN and Jupiter. sometimes they last for minutes and they go exactly as i dream it but the cool thing is i can make different choices but its crazy how long they last. God bless, thanks again to all the nice commenters. what it means when someones personal planet (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) aspects their north node. I won't expand on it as I don't want anyone here reading the astrology and getting all worried and read negative things in charts. Transit Chart Calculator, Astrology Transits online - Thanks! Astrologer Mary Fortier Shea describes progressing the solar return Moon until it aspects a solar return or natal planet, and noting when a solar return planet transits over a solar return house cusp (to pinpoint major changes). Your life will require adventure and freedom in order to feel fulfilled. Sun trine NN Your North Node, Destiny, and Aspects: Inner Planets - Astrology I'm curious about people's experiences with the transiting North Node (NN) conjuncting natal planets or angles (Asc, IC) in the chart. Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. It is not ones fault if one feels cast adrift. The north node represents where we are headed and skills we must work toward mastering in this life, while the south node highlights us our strengths and characteristics that we already possess. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Like Pluto quintile NN? Hi Kieera! Teach with grace?) Hi i have NN conjunct Neptune also.. And I am also psychic as hell. I have my natal Neptune conjunct my north node. Astro Clocks: Chart with current planets will open in the new window and the planet positions will be automatically refreshed every minute. Uranus is the out of the box genius. I do find that sometimes i dont know where to go or what direction to take with my life. The North Node is actually much busier than the South Node during their tour of these signs. Here are the highlights: Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces - 2022 (new cycle) Pluto enters Aquarius - 2023-24 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus - 2024 (new cycle) Neptune enters Aries - 2025 Uranus enters Gemini - 2025 You can have a huge effect on humankind and will likely find yourself curious about activism. One must develop a structure with this placement and stick strictly to critical thinking and discernment. The house sale finalized with Transit Mars squaring my conjunction (Mars is almost always my friend while transiting, strong natal Mars) to kick off the sweet trines, I guess! this phenomenon is also called a triple conjunction, a very raae phenomenon, Im told. I may be a poor hermit but I have shoveled volumes of psychic debris off of me and one day I will give back what i raked in. Neptune always brings with it a dash of intuition and with a strong conjunction, you may be put on this planet to develop and hone your psychic skills. Substance dependency can be a real issue. Hi ashley. Uranus is hovering on my Aries South Node (Hmmm yes, Ive had a few misses cough) Neptune also makes up for a leg in my yod. I have the same placements and I feel you described me to a T! This may make it hard to interact with the world because your own nature demands a lot from you. Esp when intoxicated or feeling low as that is when the grab hold of us. Tr Nnode crossed his midheaven the fortnight he was interviewing (3.5 degrees past, actually). I was 5. , I have mercury and venus conjunct nn in virgo idk what to make of it (speak beautifully? If this is your placement, know that you take things very seriously for a reason. This creates tension but also opportunity for you. It makes sense looking at it from the view of traditional astrology. Moon-This native will have an easy access to his own emotions. Im trying to live in gratitude, reminding myself always to be humble and just do whats right in front of me. I have my Venus,Mars and Jupiter in Leo in 2nd H. So feeling safe and comfortablw is very important to me esoecially now with my health problems. Youre likely to be quite chatty and an excellent communicator, which will serve you well in the long-term. He will, likely, be popular and, also, tend to have good fortune and good luck. These are astrological transit interpretations for Jupiter transits to natal planets, and Jupiter transits through natal houses. I think thats what NN/Neptune is saying to me today. This native was born to be different, usually in the best sense of the word. Tr Nnode crossed his midheaven the fortnight he was interviewing (3.5 degrees past, actually). Unfortunately until recently, I have not been! It may be that the sacrifice is to bring attention to some matter that would be a considerable contribution to the world. North and South Nodes Astrology: Your Life Purpose and - The AstroTwins I worry too much about others, what they think (in general and about me), how they feel about things/myself, etc. I thwarted myself at many turns. Mars rules our animalistic instincts and can often provide clues to our vitality and physical self. This conjunction can pose problemsit can encourage a fear of change. By studying our birth chart, we are able to recognize reoccurring patterns in our life, from the way we dress to the way we nurture ourselves, how we act in relationships, and even our destiny in this lifetime. I just felt odd, like I didnt fit in, but I knew I was gifted with high intelligence. I relate to what others here have said re: having strong intuition. ), Server: Array It takes a lot to shake you, once youve realized what you want to do and you feel passion deep within your soul, youll make sure you meet your end goal. 3 rd Neptune conjunct my NN in sag in mutual reception squared Jupiter in Pisces 6th but also in a skipped step(Jeffery Green coined this phrase)with SN and NN. its very prominent push -Sun Leo 7th house and NN. Where you could release your impressions into characterisation and story telling? Nodes transiting Nodes | LUA ASTROLOGY I didnt see myself clearly. To align oneself with the Divine which requires walking the straight and narrow. I trust my intuition. Sometimes people arent ready for your line of thought, as you can be a little too far ahead of the curve. When Pluto transits this house, conception can be indicated. I'll check this topic regularly in the next months to reply to posters. I love my neighbors. You have to summon the energy of the boss or the manager from within. I went through a fair amount of childhood abuse and neglect, and though talented and really smart/intuitive I had trouble with letting myself shine. Your growth comes from the ability to stick to a long-term plan and see it through until the end. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser.