Liesbeth Powers/The Said tried to blame the FBI for not searching for an unknown person, he said, was the real killer. so then using your contention, one who is deeply religious and sees God as being a factual figure is wrong? All 3 of her alibis were lies, DNA tied her to the murder, there was no sexual assault, she had a violent past, was obsessed with Andy, and was caught lying about owning a gun, which coincidentally jammed after firing once and shell cases were found on her property. And about the only thing from your comment with which I can agree, is you saying thats not proof theyre right in reference to their verdict. If you subscribe to Hulu and upgrade to Starz (theres a free one-week trial offer), you can stream the Wrong Man episodes about Patricia Rorrer. There is way too much doubt in this case for my comfort. Watching Reasonable Doubt right now hope they also find that she did it. Follow her on Twitter at Patricia Kopta eventually developed dementia, police said. Roughly nine months ago, Interpol contacted the police department that kept her file open. And Patricia wasnt all edges. The FBI even included a written report to that effect. Andrew also stated that when Pat called and Joann answered she had instructed her not to call again because they were married and they were happy. Then international law enforcement was contacted. pTq r |G.H=IO-I7`,|&m2tj1Lo;{~}squ_~zpMq7 Great communicator. Did you personally attend the trial? The girls mother, Patricia Said, fled with both girls in the week before their killings because she was in great fear of her life, police said. Mr Freeman, Why are youre rude about others who disagree with your OPINION (including jury and appeal judges)? I do. WebTexas-born Patricia ("Tissie) Said, formerly of the Owens family, is the mother who lured her two teenage daughters, Sarah and Amina, to their deaths at the hands of their own father Dont even think about arguing with me until they DNA test that hair and the broken fingernail found on her body; Ill just laugh at you. Patricia made daily phone calls every day but made no calls at all the day before, of and after Joannes murder as she was traveling and knew her phone could track her location. Said Guilty Patricia Rorrer: An Update But none of those charges ever stuck. Your assertion that most people cant distinguish reality from crackpot nonsense is in fact nonsense the reality is that most people are easily fooled by these biased documentaries who then feel its okay to spout their tripe as if its the gospel. Combination locks. Patricia and Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis homeowners who pointed guns at protesters, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to weapons and evidence tampering charges. During Patricias hours-long turn in the witness chair, Michael McIntyre grilled her relentlessly. They noted houses near the murder scene would have heard a gunshot in December, when no farm equipment is making noise, and question why the murderer didnt just kill Joann inside her house instead of risking being seen in public in her car. What did the ME report as to the age of the baby? I can only suggest you read through my comments again, only more thoroughly. Patricia had a violent past and was absolutely positively the killer. This FBI report, of the hairs being unable to yield a DNA result because of the absent root material, was never revealed to Rorrers defence. Together they had a baby girl, Nicole. That woman has no soul. She held up pictures of her dead daughters. Search is on. But then again I havent actually SEEN the evidence. Soon after, Kopta lost her job because she was seeing things and her behavior was disruptive, and then she began to walk the streets to spread her message. Another witness, Walter Traupman, who never testified, had told state troopers that on the day of Joanns disappearance, he saw a couple who looked like Joann and Andrew arguing about the paternity of a baby. Allen and Patricia Prue were arrested two days after Jenkins' death. The Dallas Morning News revealed that Patricia said, "All I can say is there's going to be justice," after waiting for 12 years of pain of losing her children. 2023 That documentary points out that, despite the bodies of the two victims supposedly being exposed for several months, their condition remained relatively undisturbed by weather or animal activity. Trash-talking ex. When they were getting ready to drive away, a police car pulled up behind them and checked their car. I wanted to get out of there.. I finally had to stop reading this stupid article. Killers can plan all the details and alibis well ahead of the murder while cops must come up with hard evidence, even just to make an arrest. The woman who was showing the home alleged that Patricia was involved in the theft. Thanks for contacting us. Blasczyk said she is pleased with the outcome of the case. Which explains why she made Joann kill the baby, or suffer from the environmental elements. (Nope. The teens were found shot multiple times in a cab outside an Irving motel after one of them called 911, saying she was dying, authorities said. Patricias professional life included short-lived gigs as a Century 21 real estate agent and an Oldsmobile salesperson. They are a joke. Locked up. Ex-boyfriend Walter Blalock said that Patricia wanted him to be more like Andrew. Any subsequent proof emerging and then revealed in a book or documentary is surely something that should be taken seriously and investigated if necessary. And its argued that it has been and dismissed as insignificant or irrelevant. This is the most ridiculous take ever! Larry Wrights sentence was reduced to only two years in prison with five years of parole. So you see, MY STATE OF MIND is based on factual information. Nailed? Joanne and Alex didnt disappear until 12/15. "You knew how the There was also forensic evidence, obviously planted by them crooked cops, according to defenders. The trial was taking so much of my time. I THINK THEY SHOULD REOPEN THIS CASE AND LOOK AT THE HUSBAND JUST SAYING BUT IN MY HEART AND MIND FROM READING ALL THE NOTES AND STUFF PATRICA IS NOT GUILTY AND THEY NEED TO SET HER FREE. Joanne wouldnt have fought back as she was shot therefore almost immediately incapacitating her and was holding her son. Im a hunter and in the spring I have found many dead deer that died from starvation or other reasons and the bodies are untouched. Unlike most people who stayed on the streets all day, she maintained a neat, attractive appearance, wearing makeup and a dress or skirt each day. Out of the two hairs found in the car only one had enough root to perform a DNA match which did match but police waited to arrest Patricia until a highly advanced and accurate match could be made, which took a year. But it doesnt make a nonsense of her being the shooter, regardless of their speculation. Yaser Said is accused of killing his two daughters in 2008. The prosecution alleged that after the murder, Patricia drove Joanns car to McCartys parking lot and backed it into a parking space. Both sides agree Joann hung up on Patricia. And your appraisal of McIntyre is 100% spot on. They were able to match 5 hairs all the same micro DNA which happened to match the DNA pulled from blood samples Pat gave. Even if there were some minor flaws or discrepancies in the investigation, thats normal. Patricia Owens, The state made a case fueled by circumstantial evidence and public outrage over the deaths of a modern-day madonna and child. I noticed quite a few errors myself. So where they alive somewhere, and if so how could of Patricia, who was questioned, with not one mark on her kill them? If you can tear yourself away from your obsessive mentality, you can see what virtually amounts to the tampering to which I referred. Marsicovetere cited studies done by several doctors during pretrial proceedings, saying that they determined Patricia Prue suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and might suffer from dissociative identity disorder as well. I hope she rots in hell. Just saying. . Also why if beaten with a gun or with whatever, why was there no blood on the clothing? A Pittsburgh-area woman missing for over 30 years and declared legally dead several years ago has been found alive in Puerto Rico, authorities in Pennsylvania said on Thursday. I dont understand Partricias defenders pointing to Andrew with the dyed blond hair found at the car and murder scene. Thats all for this post. And last but not least, the fact that Michael McIntyre comes across as mentally unstable. Sure theres DNA, but if she truly is innocent then why not advocate to find the gun. She got 12 months of probation for shoplifting at a Walmart in Lexington, North Carolina. Patricia Owens called her ex-husband Yaser Said the devil for allegedly murdering their two daughters at his trial in Dallas on Aug. 4, 2022. The obvious, if moot, response to this is to observe that her conviction wasnt based on inaccurate documentaries but on trial. SHE IS NOT GUILTY OF THESE CRIMES. She is 100% guilty seen 2 programs on this awful murder and read about it as well. As for the idiots who didnt think Ms. Rorrer guilty of anything more sordid than having zero taste, the simple fact(s) are that: 1) what they claim about such testing (as was done to the hair) wasexcuse me, IS wrong both due to the follow-up AFTER the mDNA test results were made only proved more concretely that Ms. Rorrer WAS the person the hair came from, 2) the inanity about thinking Andy had something to do with it (the simple fact that ALL investigations START by checking the closest, most immediate relative, i.e, a spouse), was after his being thoroughly vouched, to NOT be in ANY way involved, 3) since this case, forensic science has only improved by huge leaps, and that no one including the courts or the Innocence Project will get involved should make it VERY clear, this case is CLOSED. She will be in jail for the rest of her life and rightly so. You are not expressing an opinion but making an assertion or claim of fact: [I] have absolutely no doubt she was railroaded and wrongfully convicted. You are claiming innocence as fact there is no doubt shes innocent. She didnt kill those two boys and TX knows, but they made too much noise about it, hence this is probably the real reason that Darlie hasnt been put to death 24-25 yrs later. A lot of these documentaries feature most of the theories suggested by the cops and prosecution which were most damaging to her case, but not a single person to substantiate Rorrers side, or to challenge their versions. At one point, Owens looked directly at Said and reminded him of all of the abuse they endured, allegedly having a knife pulled on her. No charmed life. Marcelin said the detectives, referring to Patricia Wright, asked, Dont you want that [expletive] off the street?. Its nine minutes into the video. "Clive was a skilful and inventive actor with wide experience, as his successful career proved," she said. She didnt need to have owned all the guns she ever used, nor to have owned the gun she in fact used. The Common Sense Guy you should put yourself on top of the list of deluded people. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I didnt read anything in this article that convinced me I didnt like that the lab had a bad rep and I do agree the police lie and frame people sometimes so I cant say 100% she did it or not. While Patricia does not qualify for medical parole, she can still file for executive clemency or compassionate release, which she has already done and which was met with more resistance from Gov. Probably by the jeans and the boots. Ive scanned through of all my remarks on this site and nowhere have a seen a single remark that confirms your assertion that Ive been insulting. New state, new man. Rorrer killed these two people in cold blood and the jury got it right! Oklahoma Incest Case: Mom Married Kids - Peoplemag And for you to even ask why documentaries are biased, makes me wonder if you have the ability to determine fact from fiction! As for him, yes, it looks like the first suspect, but if he had alibis, quite hard to accuse of actually doing it, and I understand it was a pretty solid one. And this was never disclosed to Rorrers Defence. They told him that if he testified against his sister, Patricia, he would be able to get out of prison sooner. Police slowly built a case against Patricia. If I knew I was going to get caught, I never would have brought you into this world, the arresting officers testified they heard her say to Nicole. WebPatricia Lynne Rorrer made for a good suspect. For more on the Katrinak murder case, you can watch Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction for free on YouTube.