To avoid this, make sure that your trailer is weighted on the bottom and has a low center of gravity. Commercial vehicles brakes and couplings need to be regularly inspected and maintained. Also, when truck drivers are employees of the trucking company, as opposed to independent contractors, these trucking companies can share in some or all of the blame for the truck jackknife accident. However, most initial settlement offers are meager and far less than the actual value of the truck accident claim. Your career is within reach, so contact us and get started with your education today, and we'll make sure you are nothing but successful every step of the way. Jackknifing results from the truck's drive wheels locking up when some outside force causes the truck to lose traction. You should also make sure that you maintain a safe distance from other vehicles. Reach out to us today to get your consultation. If you have experienced a jackknife accident, you should know that it can result in several car accidents and can be deadly for other motorists. If you or a loved one has been injured in a jackknife accident and you would like to speak with a law firm that has experience dealing with truck accidents, contact Anthem Injury Lawyers today at (702) 857-6000. Jackknifing means that a semi truck's trailer and cab fold into each other after an accident. Because these crashes can be catastrophic, its vital for truckers and other motorists to understand jackknife accidents and how to prevent them. For example, proper maintenance of the truck, loading of the truck, and operation of the truck can significantly reduce a drivers chances of causing a jackknife accident. The crash caused a chain reaction collision between four vehicles and injured four people on State Road 31 at Old Bayshore Road, causing the roadway to be shut down for hours. Talk to us about your accident. When a trucker applies too much braking force, the sudden reduction in speed can make their trailer swing into a jackknife shape. Or, all the way around so that it faces backward, creating a shape that resembles a pocketknife, or jackknife. Authorities said the first truck had jackknifed on the bridge for unknown reasons when the second truck, an Old Dominion hauler transporting potassium hydroxide, crashed into it. When this happens, it is called jackknifing. A standard DOT truck inspection examines brakes, coupling devices, steering mechanism, safe loading, securement of cargo, and trailer bodies, among many others. Jackknifing is when the front cab and rear trailer of a semi-truck move out of sync from each other because the driver of the truck is forced to slam on the brakes. When a truck drives too fast, it becomes more difficult to stop it safely. A truck jackknife can occur in any location, including interstate highways. They must also account for weather conditions, including rain, snow, and ice, which may cause their truck to jackknifeespecially when proceeding downgrade. The blockage could also trigger a multi-vehicle crash. Marion, Ohio, 43302, 1021 N Limestone St #200 North Carolina Personal Injury Attorney Disclaimer: Matters pending in North Carolina will be handled by the firms North Carolina licensed attorneys. Copyright Anastopoulo Law Firm 2023. Our firm has been helping truck accident victims for more than 20 years. Jackknife incidents usually occur because of the following reasons: High speeds Speeding is one of the most common factors in reported jackknife truck accidents. South Carolina Business & Medical Insurance Grievances, Negligent Hiring of Truck Drivers Accidents. Brake issues contribute to 27% of truck accidents according to the Transportation Research Board's (TRB) and cause around 40,000 trucking accidents every year. What Causes a Truck to Jackknife? - Pittman, Roberts & Welsh, PLLC Technologies exist to help a truck avoid jackknifing. When the driver or the trucking company neglects to act in a safe and responsible manner, they may be negligent in the jackknife truck accident. Another way to prevent a truck jackknife is to avoid driving in wet roads. Jack-knifed lorry closes A46 at Lincoln between two major roundabouts Jackknifing occurs when a commercial truck's trailer swings out to one side, forming a 90-degree angle, similar to the angle the blade of a pocketknife forms with the handle. 2021 May 13 A truck driver sustained minor injuries when his semi-truck jackknifed on I-470 westbound near mile marker 5. HD Tractor-trailer jackknife and Texas icy slides caught on camera Jackknife truck accidents are among the most dangerous type of truck accidents, and they frequently injure or kill multiple accident victims. Passenger cars and other vehicles traveling behind the truck may not be able to stop in time to avoid hitting the truck as it takes up the entire highway or road. Often horrific, jackknife truck accidents tend to involve multiple vehicles, catastrophic injuries, and death. Inexperience and insufficient training can compound the risk of jackknifing. Truck accidents often result in catastrophic injuries, so it is critical that you make sure that you receive immediate treatment. Semi truck jackknifed over edge of I-530 at south terminal interchange. Your doctor should also assess you for less visible damage to prevent the onset of a serious later-appearing injury. An attorney-client. No Comparison with Services of Other Lawyers. The truck may also roll over, severely injuring its driver. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. Quick Facts About Jackknife Truck Accidents in Florida. The driver was pulling two trailers when the truck jackknifed on Interstate 80 near Floriston near Traffic officials estimated that 13 vehicles were involved in the collision, caused by a truck jackknifing. If you or a loved one has been hurt in this type of accident, contact a jackknife truck accident attorney immediately. away. A jackknifed lorry smashed through a safety barrier and was left dangling off a motorway bridge above the A2. As a convenience, this site may provide links to third-party websites. But when a driver exceeds the speed limit, primarily when proceeding around a sharp turn or down a hill, they may cause an accident that severely injures others. This Website has been compiled in good faith by The Anastopoulo Law Firm. In fact, the majority of truck accident cases, including those that involve truck jackknifes, settle well before the trial date. Ohio truck accident lawyers can protect your rights if you are injured when a big rig jackknifes. Because of the configuration of a semi-trailer its overall length, heavy weight, and two-part structure a loss of traction with the road can cause both the cab and the trailer to slide with the trailer swinging around 90 degrees towards the cab. The Jackknife Crash. Liable insurance companies will often go to great lengths to avoid paying out the full amount you are owed. Therefore, as soon as possible after your truck jackknife accident, you must seek the help of a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer in your area. The term originates from the appearance of a jackknife, a foldable pocket knife, when it folds into its handle. Ultimately, the truck's trailer swings around to the cab into a shape resembling a "V," which makes the driver completely unable to control the vehicle. It can block the roadway and cause serious accidents. The driver of the Flex Fleet Rental can help you find the perfect truck! With carrier trucks, its not just the truck driver who could be responsible to pay for your damages the freight company and even some third parties could be found liable as well. Hire a skilled truck accident attorney to help deal with the legal issues so you can focus on physical and psychological healing. Use caution in bad weather conditions.Use proper braking.Anytime you brake hard, check to see if the trailer swings.Know the weight of the load. Truck crash news headlines Please note our new Columbus address: Jackknife Truck Accidents: Causes, Injuries, and Prevention. Waiting for the others in our convoy?) Additionally, as the weight of a large truck increases, the odds of a jackknife accident occurring decrease. Causes of truck jackknife and how to avoid it SA Trucker A jackknife truck accident may result in fatalities, serious injuries, and/or psychological trauma. Engine braking on slick curves or roadways. Including the cab where the driver resides, to one side. Youll likely be dealing with them aside from the truck driver, and theyll have the resources and methods to undermine your claim. This happens when the vehicle behind you starts to turn. This can include operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs or while distracted . This causes the trailer to swing out to either side, crossing other lanes and causing the truck driver to lose control. pounds of force before it will even begin to see failure or cracking. Jack Knife Truck Accidents. Since all truck accident circumstances and injuries differ, not all accident victims may recover the same types and amounts of damages. Truck Jackknife Accident Lawyer in Texas | Gilbert Adams Law Offices It also happens when a truck driver is following another vehicle too closely or not paying attention to road conditions. What Causes A Truck to Jackknife? - ANTHEM INJURY LAWYERS For a free case evaluation, call 1-866-900-7078 or contact us online to discuss your case. Emergency crews are on the scene where two semi-trucks jackknifed on Interstate 35 in Norman, Oklahoma, Wednesday. There, the rig jackknifed before finally stopping. The trailer is for hauling loads in the back. formation of an attorney client relationship. Jackknifing Truck | What Causes a Truck to Jackknife? Finally, the accident victim must prove that they suffered one or more physical injuries in their accident and that their injuries directly resulted from the accident. 2021 April 29 A double tractor-trailer marked FedEx Ground jackknifed on US 35 at Cain Road near the Jackson and Ross County line. Truck drivers are distracted when they fail to observe the road. Cases handled by lawyers who principally practice in Florence, Myrtle Beach (by appointment), Columbia, or N. Charleston (main). Texas Jackknife Truck Accident Attorneys. 2021 April 29 A double tractor-trailer marked FedEx Ground jackknifed on US 35 at Cain Road near the Jackson and Ross County line. Distracted driving is another common cause of truck jackknife accidents. Call or text (800) 777-7777 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form. Truck Jackknife Accident Attorneys - Heidari Law Group If a truck jackknifes at any speed, the vehicle is likely to roll over. Driver Fatigue It's no secret that truck drivers work long hours in order to meet strict deadlines. The trucks brakes and other mechanical systems should be inspected and well-maintained to ensure that the driver does not lose control of the vehicle. The inclusion of specific practice areas on the Anastopoulo Law Firm website is informational in nature and is not an exhaustive listing of the areas of law in which the attorneys at Anastopoulo Law Firm practice. Jackknifing happens when a truck with two separate parts, usually a cab and a trailer, folds in on itself where the cab attaches to the trailer. Crash investigation continues, while inspectors examine the extent of damage on the bridge. 18-wheelers consist of a trailer and cab, and jackknifing is when the trailer begins to swing to one side. things you should do immediately after an accident, reasons why you should hire a truck accident attorney, Medical expenses (including rehabilitation and anticipated future medical needs), Lost wages and future earning opportunities, Loss of consortium (harm to your marriage). : The NHTSA found that a curve on the road significantly increases the risk of jackknifing. A major factor to avoid jackknifes is smooth and gradual braking. BAKERSFIELD, Calif. ( KGET) A three-vehicle accident in the southbound lanes of Highway 99 is causing delays near State Route 46 A semi-truck is jackknifed in the left two lanes, according to the California Highway Patrol. When this happens, the truck will continue to roll and press into the cab. or suggest the value of any other case. Attorneys fee calculated on gross recovery, before deduction of any court or other costs that are incurred during the case. A report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) revealed that jackknife crashes are associated with around 10 percent of semi-truck occupant fatalities, and 4 percent of non-truck occupant fatalities. Jackknife accidents also happen when truck drivers and trucking companies violate national motor carrier regulations. Herb Glass is responsible for this advertisement and files will principally be handled at 32 Ann Street, Charleston, SC, 29402. The trailer will swing violently back and forth, similar to a giant windshield wiper. Jackknife truck accidents are some of the most devastating crashes on the nation's roadways. What Is a Jackknife Truck Accident? examines brakes, coupling devices, steering mechanism, safe loading, securement of cargo, and trailer bodies, among many others. 13 vehicle pile-up on Cape Town N1 after truck jack-knifes [WATCH] Truckers must adjust their speeds and driving maneuvers depending on the traffic volume and the roadway geography, including sharp turns and steep grades. Texas Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyers - This website includes information about legal issues and legal developments. Its important to know your rights as a victim and also to be warned of the tactics that some insurance claims adjusters may use to try to get you to accept blame for the accident. The jackknifed. When a big truck jackknifes, it is not only dangerous to the truck driver but to other drivers on the roadways. Often, a loss of traction is caused by wet or icy roads, but it can also result from the force of a different collision, improper or sudden breaking, or equipment failure. Nothing in this site should be construed as a guarantee of results in any matter in which the Anastopoulo Law Firm undertakes representation of a client. Approximately five percent of all truck accidents involve a jackknife. Unfortunately, jackknifing trucks can and often do result in serious accidents that involve not only the truck driver but other motorists on the road as well. Jackknife tractor trailer causes. I-35W southbound in Minneapolis temporarily closes after semi jackknife Copyright 2023 Law Offices of James Scott Farrin. A jackknife accident can happen without any warning and can be very catastrophic. A truck jackknife accident often occurs as a result of poor vehicle management or a faulty braking system. Including the cab where the driver resides, to one side. This puts the driver in the other vehicle in the position of having no choice but to hit the truck head on because there are no other options. In particular, you should be aware that this information may be incomplete, may contain errors or may have become out of date.