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C. fibularis longus - muscles that oppose or reverse a particular movement. It has no effect. Which of the following muscles is not used for inspiration? Which of these muscles is located on the ventral (anterior) side of the body? E. attach at the distal end of the humerus, A tennis player complains of severe pain in the shoulder when serving or returning an overhead volley. A. pennate. The muscle is closely related to certain neurovascular structures that pass through the neck on their way either to the head or to the periphery of the body. What type of motor is known as a constant-speed motor? D. defecation. [1] In the anterior triangle, we find the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. C extend the vertebral column (c) Transverse cervical. Does your neck feel stiff or achy when you wake up in the morning? A change in diet and lifestyle (remains, remain) his only hope for recovery. What is the antagonist of the Triceps Brachii (extension of forearm)? The deep muscles of the neck, levator scapulae and middle scalene muscle are supplied by which nerve? Match the muscle's name with what generally describes one or more of its features: Muscle name that describes size. E. down. D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. D. latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. B cholinesterase to return the impulse to the neuron The trapezius has many attachment points, extending from the skull and vertebral column to the shoulder girdle . A gaseous mixture with a molar analysis of 20%CO220\ \% \mathrm{CO}_220%CO2, 40%CO40\ \% \mathrm{CO}40%CO, and 40%O240\ \% \mathrm{O}_240%O2 enters a heat exchanger and is heated at constant pressure. it closes, purses, and protrudes the lips. B carbon dioxide is removed rapidly by incerased respiration E. peroneus longus. B. extend the forearm. C. allows one to sit cross-legged. Antagonistic Muscle Overview and Examples - The sternocleidomastoid muscles help to flex the neck. D. internal intercostals Balance between muscle groups is ideal, as it will decrease pressure in your joints. Rectus Abdominus, External oblique, Internal oblique. hope you all enjoy the vid!enjoy the video and reflect on the mod. Which of the following muscles is part of the rotator cuff? D. decreased support for the pelvic viscera. the end of the muscle where the action occurs. C. pectoralis minor Chapter 10 - The Muscular System Flashcards | Quizlet C. interspinales C. vastus lateralis B. coracobrachialis C. trapezius. A. gastrocnemius C. pectoralis minor D trapezius, The muscle on the anterior side of the trunk that flexes and adducts the arm is the: What thoracic muscles are involved in expiration? __________ muscles have their fibers arranged obliquely to their tendons In a manner similar to a feather, such as unipennate, bipennate, and multipennate muscles. (a) greater for well 1, C. internal abdominal oblique C. extensor digitorum longus B. contributes to pouting. The splenius captis is located on the lateral side of the C7. Both wells contain identical quantum particles, one in each well. A) The sternocleidomastoid is the synergist, and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. Sternocleidomastoid - Physiopedia When viewed together, this pair forms a diamond or trapezoid shape, hence its name. b) 241Am{ }^{241} \mathrm{Am}241Am. B hamstring group rhomboideus muscles E. external intercostals. C. temporalis B. soleus A) The sternocleidomastoid is the prime mover, and the splenius cervicis is the fixator. 40,41 This involuntary contraction can be seen as an abnormal posturing and twisting of muscles during motor . D. transversus abdominis A myoglobin in muscles stores some oxygen D. causes crow's feet wrinkles. E. index finger; thumb. D gastrocnemius, The muscle on the anterior thigh that extends the lower leg is the: (c) equal for both wells? C. trapezius From what height did the student fall? A bilateral contraction elevates the head by dorsally extending the upper cervical joints. What is the relationship between these muscles when bowing your head? If L = load, F = fulcrum, and E = effort, what type of lever system is described as LEF? The sternocleidomastoid muscle is named according to its bony attachments (sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process).. Which of these muscles is not the muscle of inspiration? Describe how the prime move Expiration is aided by the abdominal muscles and internal intercostal muscles. Want to learn the origins andinsertions (plusinnervations and functions!) What is this muscle called? Match the following muscle action with its appropriate term: C end lines of a sarcomere, and myosin filaments are attached Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one is on the posterior side? Sternocleidomastoid muscle, along with the trapezius muscle , is invested by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia, which splits around it. B. rectus femoris However, the second heart field has recently been identified as an additional source of myocardial progenitor cells. What are the magnitude, sign, and xxx-coordinate of the third charge? C. latissimus dorsi C. orbicularis oris What is the antagonist of the Peroneus Brevis (eversion)? B. infrahyoid E. vastus intermedius, . To explain skeletal muscle movements as activities of agonists (prime movers), antagonists, and synergists. C gluteus medius Draw two lines under the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject. It is a member of the toll-like receptor (TLR) family. D gluteus medius and adductor group, Which muscle is NOT paired with an antagonist? D triceps brachii, The muscle around the eye that closes the eye is the: Damage to which of the following muscles would hinder inspiration? The antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid is the splenius capitis. What back muscle originates on the vertebral spinous processes? D. extensor digitorum longus Most flexor muscles are located on the ______ aspect of the body, most extensors are located ______. D. coracobrachialis E. raises the eyelid. C. biceps femoris transversus thoracis, levator scapulae, pectoralis minor, rhomboideus muscles, serratus anterior, trapezius, choose all that apply: D. palatoglossus E. back muscles are similar in strength to the back muscles of cattle. Sternocleidomastoid Function, Origin & Anatomy | Body Maps - Healthline E. a group of muscles that work together to cause movement. Synergists help agonists. pectoralis major D masseter- raises mandible, Which muscle is NOT paired with a synergist? The sternocleidomastoid muscles help to flex the neck. Their What is the antagonist of the Gluteus Minimus (Abduction of femur)? bones serve as levers. C brachioradialis and biceps brachii C. urination. 11. Contracting the trapezius muscle would Which of the following muscles moves the scapula? D. rotate the head toward the left. D. intrinsic muscles. B. external abdominal oblique movement of the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius. B hamstring group e) Trapezius. C. psoas major and iliacus. Sternocleidomastoid muscle | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia What is the antagonist of the Vastus Medialis (knee extension)? B extend the leg B. sartorius A. iliopsoas. There is always an agonist, and antagonist. E. People with this disorder show difficulties swallowing, extreme immobility of their throat, facial asymmetries and scoliosis. E. triceps brachii, Which muscle will elevate the scapula? E. fibularis brevis, . pectoralis minor The sternal head originates from the manubrium of sternum, while the clavicular head from the medial thirdof the clavicle. What is the antagonist of the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (finger flexion)? Naming muscles | Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (BSB 141) - Course Hero B. subscapularis Which large muscle has an attachment on the external occipital protuberance and extends the neck? - Muscle fibers running in parallel arrangement generate more power. B. tibialis anterior During vigorous inspiration, the external intercostal, scalene, and sternocleidomastoid muscles - under distress or exercise. A. rectus femoris B. biceps femoris C twitch/tetanus D. transversus abdominis C supply carbon dioxide D. is used in the knee-jerk reflex. B masseter A. pectoralis major Name the following: A contraction in which muscles produce tension but do not shorten. B. gastrocnemius Damage to the muscle called the levator ani would result in a) Deltoid b) Pec Major c) Bicep Brachii d) Supraspinatus. . could be wrong, but im. D. vastus medialis Reviewer: lab fed21 - LAB 5 Muscle I Axial Muscular System Objectives D calcium ions, In a muscle fiber, calcium ions are stored in the: Sternocleidomastoid muscle: Anatomy and functions | Kenhub B center lines of a sarcomere, and actin filaments are attached C. interspinales D. D. hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa of the scapula. Read more. Which of the following muscles would be considered an antagonist to the rectus femoris? D iliopsoas, The muscle on the anterior thigh that flexes the thigh is the: A carbon dioxide B. sartorius Of the following muscles of the thigh, which one does NOT pull the leg forward? B. soleus Which muscle acts as an antagonist to the lower fibers of the trapezius during depression of the scapula? E. multipennate. Previously, a single source of progenitor cells was thought to be responsible for the formation of the cardiac muscle. What muscle is the antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid? A raise the shoulder Antagonistic muscle that is paired with an agonist muscle is referred together as antagonistic pairs. Go to: Clinical Significance Change in the platysma with age: The number of muscle fibers best determines how powerful a muscle will be, Which of the following joint muscles is correctly matched with its lever type? E. lever is a pivot point. What are the three muscles in the group of arm flexors, innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve? Rectus Abdominus, External oblique, Internal oblique What is the antagonist of the Spinalis (Spine extension)? D. levator palpebrae superioris What are the functions of the sternocleidomastoid muscle? C positive/neutral What is the antagonist of the Sartorius (Flexion of femur)? E. biceps brachii, . Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. E. function and size, The brachioradialis is named for its List the muscle(s) that are antagonistic to the gastrocnemius. A during polarization there is a positive charge outside A. rectus abdominis A. nasalis Toll-like receptor 9 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TLR9 gene. Please rename your sets if you copy mine and DO NOT include the term Sap's Student in the title of your set. deltoid A. anconeus C. Rectus Abdominus, external oblique, internal oblique. What is the antagonist of the Internal Intercostals (Depress ribs)? Which of the following muscle is found in the head? Which of the following muscles is involved in chewing gum? Choose the BEST answer and use each answer only once for full points. B. obliquely. What effect does a magnetic field have on a charge moving perpendicular to the field? It is also known as SCM or Sternomastoid or Sterno muscle. The muscles that act as the prime mover of elbow flexion are the while the are the antagonist that cause extension of the arm. a) Clavicle b) Cervical vertebrae c) Scapula d) Sacrum. 11.1 Interactions of Skeletal Muscles, Their Fascicle - BCcampus scalene muscles C. thumb. C both A and B A rectus abdominus Dentistry Journal | Free Full-Text | Association of Masticatory A. pectoralis major As the agonist flexes, the opposite muscle (the. Match the following description of muscles that move the head and trunk with its appropriate name: Flexes and laterally rotates the head, Match the muscle action involving mastication with its appropriate muscle name: Elevates mandible and moves mandible side to side. What is the antagonist of the Semitendinosus (knee flexion)? E. rhomboideus major, Which muscle retracts, rotates, and fixes the scapula? Hence, it was an excellent model for . B. adduction of the arm. B. belly. D both A and B, and loss of calcium ions, During exercise, the purpose of increased sweating is to: b) gastrocnemius. E. type and shape, Which of the following muscles is named for its shape? It has two heads that meld to form one insertion. Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side. What is the antagonist of the Internal Oblique (Trunk flexion)? E. zygomaticus. A rectus abdominus-extends vertebral column a. - the location of the muscle Approximately 0.5% of all newborns suffer from muscular torticollis, however, the etiology remains unclear. In the following sentence, strike through each error in capitalization and write the correct form above it. The muscle that is contracting is called the agonist and the muscle that is relaxing or lengthening is called the antagonist. Curated learning paths created by our anatomy experts, 1000s of high quality anatomy illustrations and articles. All rights reserved. Tilt your head to the right as far as you comfortably can. Muscles Muscles. A sodium ions What is the antagonist of the Extensor Digitorum (finger extension)? A. masseter C triceps brachii and biceps brachii What is the antagonist of the Longissimus (Spine extension)? Full Range Of Motion (Or Are Your Joints Flexible - Phila Massages D. extensor hallicus longus Match the word to its correct meaning: Brevis, Match the word to its correct meaning: Costal. What is the antagonist of the Flexor Hallucis Longus (Toe 1 flexion)? C. peroneus brevis The end of the muscle that connects to the sternum is the A. origin. A. puckers the mouth for kissing. Focal dystonia, also known as "writer's cramp" or "pianist's cramp" is a painless motor control disorder involving sustained muscular contraction. D adductor group, The mucle on the lateral side of the hip that abducts the thigh is the: Match the following muscle action involving facial expression with its appropriate muscle: Sphincter muscle of the eyelids, which permits squinting and blinking. The infraspinatus D. internal abdominal oblique. Muscles and Movement | Antagonist Pairs of Muscles - YouTube Which is a lateral rotator of the arm? Which statement is NOT true of muscle sense? C. orbicular. C. Grounded on academic literature and research, validated by experts, and trusted by more than 2 million users. B ATP/carbon dioxide The __________ nerve innervates all of the extrinsic tongue muscles. A. levator scapulae The chicken embryo, which develops in the egg, outside the mother can easily be manipulated in vivo and in vitro. Match the following fascicle arrangement with its appropriate power generation or description: circular. B. peroneus longus Which abdominal wall muscle inserts on the xiphoid process and the linea alba? external intercostals C. contributes to laughing and smiling. TLR9 has also been designated as CD289 (cluster of differentiation 289). D. subclavius E. gracilis, Which of the following is the longest muscle in the body? D. extensor hallicus longus A biceps brachii- flexes forearm Splenius Capitus. E. extensor carpi radialis longus, Flexion of the hip is a movement produced by the B myosin and actin D. multifidus A. hamstrings. An agonist (prime mover) b. Agonist vs Antagonist Muscles [Easily Improve Your Workouts] During the collision with the ground, he comes to rest in a time of 0.010 s. The average force exerted on him by the ground is + 18 000 N, where the upward direction is taken to be the positive direction. E. zygomaticus and buccinator. A flex the leg Major Skeletal Muscle Antagonist-Biol 241 Sap's Students - Quizlet The attachment site of the muscle tendon to the more-movable bone is called the __________. Which of the following muscles is responsible for elevating the eyebrows? A. plantaris Agonists are the prime movers for an action. In rats, the sternocleidomastoid is composed of two bellies, a superficial sternomastoid medially and a deeper cleidomastoid laterally [ 3 ]. The prime mover for flexion of the thigh is the __________ muscle. b. Quadratus lumborum. E. gastrocnemius, Which of the following is a posterior thigh muscle? PDF Acute Pain Management Protocol for Neck Procedures Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study masticatory efficiency parameters (number of particles, mean diameter and . Appendicular muscles work to control the movements of the arms and legs, while the axial muscles are located in the head, neck and trunk. A. sacral B. thoracic C. cervical D. cranial, Which muscle acts as an agonist with the teres minor during lateral rotation of the shoulder? When both sternocleidomastoid muscles contract, the head is flexed. D. multifidus A third charge is placed so that the entire three-charge system is in static equilibrium. Match the following fascicle arrangement with the appropriate power generation or description: Parallel, Straplike with an expanded belly; great ability to shorten but not usually very powerful. A. erector spinae (b) greater for well 2, or D. class IV lever system. A glycogen/carbon dioxide (b) Ansa cervicalis. A the cerebellum promotes coordination 5. Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius. What is the antagonist of the Vastus Intermedius (knee extension)? Which functional group has the major responsibility for countering a specific movement? A. supraspinatus Which of the following muscles is named for its action? B iliopsoas and quadriceps femoris Anatomy. Createyouraccount. C. contributes to laughing and smiling. Introduction ; 11.1 Interactions of Skeletal Muscles, Their Fascicle Arrangement, and Their Lever Systems ; 11.2 Naming Skeletal Muscles ; 11.3 Axial Muscles of the Head, Neck, and Back ; 11.4 Axial Muscles of the Abdominal Wall, and Thorax ; 11.5 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs ; 11.6 Appendicular Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs ; Key Terms E. swallowing. B. extensor carpi ulnaris. C. pectoralis minor B. transversus abdominis. B hemoglobin in RBCs brings oxygen to muscles What is the antagonist of the Pectoralis Minor (Protract scapula)? A. Tuck your chin in and downwards. A. trapezius C. infraspinatus E. iliotibial tract, . What is the antagonist of the Biceps Brachii (Flexion of forearm)? The muscle shape that has the capacity to shorten to the greatest degree is What is the antagonist of the Gastrocnemius (Plantarflexion)? B. procerus Describe the relationship between bones and skeletal muscles in the production of body movements. Sternocleidomastoid: a) used in chewing b) muscle of head or neck c) mandible d) cranium e) atlas f) muscle that move upper extremity g) suicide bags h) epiphysis i) cutaneous j) muscle that move lower extremity. What does the term levator mean? E. abductor pollicis brevis. A. retinacula. D. extensor hallicus longus A. joint represents the fulcrum point. D. biceps femoris A. soleus. E. transverses thoracis. Antagonistic Muscle - Biology Articles, Tutorials & Dictionary Online insert and sometimes originate on skin and connective tissue. Splenius Cervicis. D. suprahyoid B. hyoglossus D. transversus abdominis Describe what would happen to the surface temperature of a star if its radius doubled but there was no change in the stars luminosity. Background: Tooth extraction, changing dentition and malocclusion can decrease area of occlusal contact and negatively affect masticatory efficiency. B. difficult defecation. Draw one line under the simple subject. - biceps brachii at the elbow; third-class lever Which muscle acts as both a knee (leg) extensor and hip (thigh) flexor? A. erector spinae Which of the following groups of muscles does not move the vertebral column? E. rhomboideus major, Which of the following muscles of the chest has its insertion on the humerus? E. psoas minor. B. thumb; little finger Antagonist - Definition and Examples | LitCharts What is the antagonist of the Supraspinatus (Abducts humerus)? What is the antagonist of the Sternocleidomastoid (Neck flexion)? C. flexor carpi radialis Sternocleidomastoid Muscle: Location and Actions A. flexor carpi ulnaris. D. multifidus - The number of muscle fibers best determines how powerful a muscle will be. D. masseter B pectoralis major E. biceps brachii and triceps brachii. Major Skeletal Muscle Synergists-Biol 241 Sap, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Lecture 27: The Federal Executive & Bureaucra. C. occipitofrontalis D troponin and myosin, When nerve impulses arrive so rapidly that a muscle fiber has no chance to relax, the result is The sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles are located within the investing fascia of the neck (Figure 25-2A).. circular Insertion: coronoid process of mandible, Match the following description of muscles that move the head and trunk with its appropriate name: Broad two-part muscle that lies on the back of neck between base of skull and the upper thoracic vertebrae. The muscle that divides the ventral body cavity into the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities is the __________. Match the muscle's name with what generally describes one or more of its features: Muscle name that describes action, Match the muscle's name with what generally describes one or more of its features: Muscle name that describes direction of fibers, Match the following description of muscles that move the head and trunk with its appropriate name: Composite muscle located along the back from thoracic region to head, Semispinalis capitis, cervicis, and thoracis. Can sternocleidomastoid muscle cause jaw pain? When the internal intercostals and the abdominals engage to bring the ribcage back into its starting position, try to keep the ribcage and lungs as expanded as possible even as you exhale the breath. D. multifidus B. adductor pollicis E. quadratus lumborum, Which abdominal wall muscle inserts on the 10th to 12th ribs and rectus sheath? Which of these muscles is the muscle of expiration? c) levator palpebrae superioris. C. interspinales E. hyperextend the head. Which muscle is the prime mover of arm abduction (assuming all fibers are used)? Thanks rx0711. Which of the following are correctly matched? Fixators hold joints in place, so movement does not occur. B. external abdominal oblique The orbicularis oris muscle D. thumb; index finger Explain your reasoning using an example. Learn everything about those triangles with the following study unit. B. temporalis Which of the following is found in the posterior group of forearm muscles? movement of the masseter and the temporalis. What is the antagonist muscle to the sternocleidomastoid? B), The sternocleidomastoid muscles flex the neck and the splenius cervicis muscles extend it. Is this considered flexion or extension? C. extensor digitorum longus What is the antagonist of the Pectoralis Major (Flexion of humerus)? Which muscle helps a person to cross a leg when seated (place one's lateral ankle on the opposite knee)? B. sartorius B. insert and sometimes originate on skin and connective tissue. . A synergist c. A fixator d. An antagonist. What is the antagonist of the Extensor Digitorum Longus (Toes 2-5 extension)? a) biceps brachii. Which of the following muscles acts to protract the mandible? A. gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. E. raises the eyelid. A orbicularis oris A. pterygoid skeletal muscle is attached to bone at origin and insertion. B flex the forearm Which of the following muscles flexes the wrist? a) Orbicularis oris. A. forearm. a) 212Rn{ }^{212} \mathrm{Rn}212Rn A. palmaris longus E. suprahyoid muscles. E. fibularis brevis, Which muscle extends the big toe? a) Zygomaticus major b) Digastric c) Sternohyoid d) Depressor anguli oris. Chapter 10! Flashcards | Quizlet The anconeus works with the triceps brachii to B. soleus D iliopsoas, The function of the sacrospinalis group is to E. deltoid, . A sarcolemma a muscle working in opposition to another muscle A. rectus abdominis Give the scientific term for the muscles of the mouth, b. The pelvic diaphragm consists of what two muscles? C. laterally flex the neck. Muscles that work like this are called antagonistic pairs. A. The sternocleidomastoid muscles flex the neck and the splenius cervicis A muscle in opposition to the action of a prime mover muscle.