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The shared excitement over the discovery of George's birthday expands over multiple generations of viewers and solidifies the lasting influence of classic Hanna-Barbera cartoons. George's birthdate was not mentioned on the show. We're about to officially enter the future with the birth of George Jetson, the lead character of the classic Hanna-Barbera future-set animated sitcom The Jetsons. At the time, ABC set the show as canonically taking place in 2062, exactly one hundred years after the show launched. The truth is that no one knows the real birthday of Jesus, because there is no recorded date of his birth. George Jetson: August 27th, 2027 Jane Jetson: March 19th, 2029 Judy Jetson: September 25th, 2047 Elroy Jetson: November 8th, 2054 Astro: June 20th, 2058 . Despite her beauty, she is also a beautiful wife who always tries to make life as pleasant as possible for her family. Thanks to the pandemic, we all have video chat trauma, even if the name Zoom does sound kinda Jetsons-y. George O'Hanlon was the voice actor who did George's voice in both the sixties and eighties versions of the cartoon series. Here's Why Fans Think 'The Jetsons' Character Was Born July 31, 2022. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern, indem Sie auf unseren Websites und Apps auf den Link Datenschutz-Dashboard klicken. We still speak about the future in Jetsons terms, said Jared Bahir Browsh, author of the 2021 book Hanna-Barbera: A History. A show that originally ran for one season had such an impact on the way we see our culture and our lives. (The Jetsons actually came out in two chunks: its original 60s run was only 24 episodes, and then a reboot in 1985 gave it another 50.). George is now an employee at Spacely's Space Sprockets, a manufacturer of "sprockets" and other high tech equipment. "I hope . Viewers often saw flying-saucer-like cars and robot maids among other futuristic things. And self-driving cars might hit the market before 2062 if they can ever stopkilling people on the streets. "Jane! The fantastic futuristic world of The Jetson's isn't nearly as far away as fans felt. Brendan Kergin / Vancouver Is Awesome. Nobody promised a rose garden, but I wasn't expecting a cesspool of corruption and depravity. Larry Latham seen at the end credits of the 1960s Jetsons episodes, but is also known for frequently uttering the phrase "Hooba-dooba-dooba!" He has trouble with his boss, he has problems with his kids, and so on. George resides with his family and his dog Astro in the Skypad Apartments[18] in Orbit City, in a future with the trappings of science fantasy depictions of American life in the future, such as robot servants, flying saucer-like cars, and moving sidewalks. I share a birthday with Harry Potter and George Jetson. Kergin highlighted George's birthday which is said to be July 31, 2022. Despite its short run, the show left a long-lasting impact on fans, who watch it even today. George Joesph Jetson (possibly born on July 31, 2022) [citation needed] is a fictional character and the 40-year-old father of the Jetson family in 2062. Nobody promised a rose garden, but I wasnt expecting a cesspool of corruption and depravity.". George Jetson's birthday might be today, July 31, 2022 : NPR Matriarch Judy Jetson had a household machine that delivered breakfast at the push of a button. or "Hooba-Dooba" (in most episodes) to express wonder or astonishment (possibly inspired by Fred Flintstone's phrase "Yabba-dabba-doo!"). Capitalism still exists in the future, though George Jetson only works a three-hour, three-day workweek, pushing a button at the sprockets factory. In the episode, the Jetsons return to the past to sue the planet for causing global warming. Outside the home, she is a member of the Galaxy Women . David Mikkelson founded the site now known as back in 1994 as a creative outgrowth of his wide-ranging interests in a variety of subjects (particularly folklo read more. But hey, we've already got talking watches, robot vacuums and flat-screen TVs. Is Sunday George Jetson's birthday? Perhaps only Rosey/Rosie - WAFB George Jetson, happy birthday! Social media lit up with birthday announcements for Hanna-Barbera's 1960s cartoon dad from "The Jetsons," People and NPR reported. Here's how the math works: The show first aired in 1962, but was set 100 years in the future. The show was said to be set 100 years in the future, in the year 2062, and according to Wikipedia, George Jetson's birthday was August 22, 2022. And yet, The Jetsons stands as the single most important piece of 20th century futurism, according toSmithsonian magazine. While George is having his first birthday, the show itself is about to celebrate its 60th: it debuted on Sept. 23, 1962, a century before its set. Feature films Social media lit up with birthday announcements for Hanna-Barbera's 1960s cartoon dad from . There is even a George Jetson wiki page that set the birthday buzz in motion. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed. Consider this: In 2017's The Jetsons & WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania! Video games Meet George Jetson and his quirky family: wife Jane, son Elroy and daughter Judy. The internet exploded after a fan realized George Jetson's birthday was in 2022. KUOW - Did you know?: George Jetson was just born Watch The Jetsons - Stream TV Shows | HBO Max Fans of The Jetsons are wishing George Jetson, the sitcom family's patriarch, a very happy birthday, thinking that he'll be born on July 31, 2022. One of the things that separates The Jetsons so clearly from other sci-fi, according to Danny Graydon, author of The Jetsons: The Official Guide to the Cartoon Classic, is that its neither dystopian nor utopian definitely not Mad Max but not the peaceful Federation of Star Trek either. Bei der Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps verwenden wir, unsere Websites und Apps fr Sie bereitzustellen, Nutzer zu authentifizieren, Sicherheitsmanahmen anzuwenden und Spam und Missbrauch zu verhindern, und, Ihre Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps zu messen, personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte auf der Grundlage von Interessenprofilen anzuzeigen, die Effektivitt von personalisierten Anzeigen und Inhalten zu messen, sowie, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. Montague Jetson | The Jetsons Wiki | Fandom Expect to be living on platform cities in the next 30 to 40 years. Was George Jetson Born in 2022? | The birthdate that would be Sunday has appeared for years in the George Jetson biography page of Google . Designer Fans pointed out that the character George Jetson from the cartoon "The Jetsons" was technically born on July 31, 2022. George Jetson was said to be 40 years old, which means he was born in 2022. Originally, the cartoon only ran for 24 episodes but was later revived. He is the husband of Jane Jetson and the father of teenage daughter Judy and elementary school aged son Elroy. George Jetson's July 2022 Date Of Birth Comes Around & Twitter - MSN The Hanna-Barbera series, which aired from 1962-1963, offered a space age . This would mean that the man was forty years old at the time of his physical. George Jetson | Heroes Wiki | Fandom On Thursday, a hawk-eyed fan pointed out that "someone is about to give birth" to the show's main character, via a fan site listing the family patriarch's exact birthdate. What about the people on the ground? Browsh wondered. The character went viral a few days ago after user on Twitter posted that Jetson's birthdate was approaching; a discovery made after scrolling through the character's Wiki. A social media post going around claims next year, 2022, is the year lead character George Jetson was born. Not sure that was on my BINGO card. 'Stop this crazy thing': Was George Jetson born in 2022 - KIRO-TV Warner Bros Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. That means her birth year is 2047. Likes The Jetsons in Yogi's First Christmas (1988), The Jetsons in Yogi and the Invasion of the Space Bears (1994), The Jetsons in the Good, the Bad, and Huckleberry Hound (2012), The Animated Storybook of The Jetsons in the Shining, The Jetsons in The Good, the Bad, and Huckleberry Hound Racer, The Jetsons in the Good, the Bad, and Huckleberry Hound: Activity Center. George Joesph Jetson (possibly born on July 31, 2022) [citationneeded] is a fictional character and the 40-year-old father of the Jetson family in 2062. Twitter Goes Wild After a Fan of The Jetsons Says George Jetson - Yahoo His personality is that of a well-meaning, caring father, but he is often befuddled and stressed out by the problems of both his work and family lives. Also Read: 'Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio' Trailer Tells a Story You Only 'Think You Know' (Video) The arrival of Jetson's birthday six decades after "The Jetsons" debuted on ABC feels strangely fitting for a classic '60s animated series that envisioned us all living in outer space by 2022. Instead, we have some electric toothbrushes that are advertised on podcasts and still use AA batteries. When is George Jetson's birthday? 2. One of the problems with utopia, if you create a perfect world, that world might be quite boring., 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. 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Let's dispense with the date, first: As far as we can tell, there is no canonical evidence that George Jetson's birthday is July 31. Apple TVs Severance envisions a world where the workday technically never ends, while Westworld is full of murderous robots. Fans of the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon The Jetsons experienced some mixed emotions upon discovering that George J. Jetson's birthday is listed as July 31st, 2022. George Jetson was born in 2022? - YouTube Here's how the math works: The show first aired in 1962, but was set 100 years in the future. It was trying to have this forward-thinking view of where we might be a century on from when the show first aired, Graydon said. TODAY looks at what the show about the family from the future predicted . We've received your submission. He lives with George, Jane, Judy and Astro and he understands how Astro barks. Somewhere, Right Now, George Jetson is Being Born Patriarch of 1960s cartoon family is born. The surface appeal of said meme is obvious: Its a textbook (and quite literal, given the shows use of them) update of the old Where are the flying cars? question, a tackling of the discrepancy between the future envisioned by speculative fiction authors and the reality in which we live.