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He interviewed for a sales position with a company, and showed up at the interview with an earring. Come to think of it, Ive seen far more whites with tattoos and piercings falling off their bodies than I have blacks. Jerry, do you care more about winning football games or playing house? Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. Its the same deal here. Tattooed Football Players This is going to sound stereotypical but I would expect to see the tattoos in the auto repair shop, county fair, machine shop, steel mill while not seeing them in the operating room, court room, bank, schools and restaurants. I do understand that things can be taken to the extreme to the point of alienating people even though your behavior is perfect (its harder to relate to someone with multiple facial piercings and a grill than someone without those things)but overall I think its overkill to say no tats/piercings at all. I always laugh at people who think that their boss cant dictate how they dress, look, etc. If this is Richardsons policy, why isnt the whole team held to this standard? Such is life. Smith runs second-fastest 40 by DL since 03, Saleh compares Carr to Stafford pre-Rams trade, Allen to be ready to roll for offseason program, How to maximize leverage of No. Its a legitimate choice. It is completely up to the owner how his team looks, just as it is in any business. Then again, most of these comments that hate on people with tattoos really sound like Abe Simpson. LOL WebThe adidas Predator Absolute Gold dropped without warning this morning, November 1st, 2022 on adidas. JR has the right to say he doesnt want a QB with tattoos and piercings. Pogba is the only man utd players without tattoos in our list. so if tom brady went out this offseason and got tatted up then got piercings all over his body, the pats wouldnt want him??? Last I checked, if the OWNER wants one of his EMPLOYEES to exhude a certain image, then the EMPLOYEE had better comply. The Liverpool star has decided not to wear any tattoos. So u really want to believe that a QB spends every waking moment studying game films? That is the way the world works. Sadio Mane loves playing football and only football. Business owners (and the NFL is a business) have a right to do so. Sounds like a real bigot. Ill be posting some of the most interesting aspects of their discussion right here. 3. Side Football Tattoos 8. Ike Diogu 7. He told him he cant have tatoos or piercings! NFL players But I do not like that this subconcious thought of Cam doing these things even seeped into Richardsons brain. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. NFL to Ban Tattoos The people doing the interview told him they didnt want any men representing their company wearing earrings or any other body piercings. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Mane Richardson is a hypocrite did he not wanted Mike Vick at one pointSMH. And Im sure his agent wanted the commission on that money. I want the best image I can get for my product and that means different things for different places. If Jerry wants the face of the Panthers to appear clean-cut, thats his right. Virgil Van Dijk Gets A Huge Compliment From Michael Owen. Turning this into a race issue is completely absurd. These players are supposed to be professionals and are paid like they are. Why does a Man feel the need to wear an earring anyway?? No. Carolina expects its players to look nice. . most companies will take the angle that you can get em if you want, just dont show em at work, and i think thats fair. If he is quoted correctly there was no ultimatim, so there should be no issue. Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. A man child would go get tatoos despite what the guy said. Sleeve Football Tattoos 5. Bicep Football Tattoos 3. Richardson is entitled to tell Newton to do anything he wants. Is that unreasonable? I have tats all overhowever, I now work in a field that requires I cover them when there. Not everyone who has tattoos is a gang-banger or crimminal. Although I do understand his rationale. These JR backers are really excited about being model employees and doing what your boss says. I know there are those who will argue the New York Yankees no facial hair rules if one wants to play for the organization. He should just play Madden. Keyonta Muhammad Ansari, 7-May, /post/keyonta-muhammad-ansari/, -118. 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Let your play do the talking. drmonkeyarmy says: Ive had jobs before that told me I cant have my hair too long or have any visible tattoos or piercings. Never bothered him about Steve Smiths tats. Big Cat Richardson said he was aggressive in FREE AGENCY- Ha, signed NO ONE NEW-ran off Julius Peppers whom Chicago loves and traded for Gregg Olson which is not a free agency signing To dictate what a person can do is ok if you dont sell and make your HUGE PROFITS from Grease filled Bonjangles doublely fried chicken & Hardees Big Fat burgers which is cloggin up arteries in the south causing heart attacks & OBEeSITY- And he basically didnt get crap for his hardass stand in the CBA Cam Newton must be thinkin your players suck and no wonder this team sucks- he is smoke and mirrors- what he gonna say when they go 1-15? freedomispopular says: Speaking to an interview he explained: I dont have tattoos because I donate blood very often. That could be construed to be a health and safety issue, particularly in a contact sport. Arm Football Tattoos 4. If I want piercings or tats, I can go do something else. - Barcelona legend Andreas Iniesta refused to wear tattoos during his footballing career and is one of the few footballers without tattoos. Regardless of the motivation, theres something troubling about Richardsons position. It is not unreasonable that owners want them to be non controvertial and risk alienating their fan base. Thigh Football Tattoos 11. BUT I think im reading into Richardsons intentions the face of the franchise will make both of them money if he is clean of those markings. Calf Football Tattoos 10. And to those who say there is no place that would fire an employee over tattoos and such I can name several Two are family entertainment venues namely Walt Disney who has strict policies against and Universal Entertainment. What flies in NY or even the ATL may not work in the Charlotte market. If they are, then hell, I wish I was too. Please explain to me why it would be so crazy for ownership to enforce something like this. This clause is enforced @ ALL TIMESwhether she is on or off duty. There are huge differences, to be sure, but the same laws apply. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of few footballers who do not wear tattoos. Id be grouchy too if i was in my 70s. I think Jerry Richardson is a boorish, stubborn, old man who was the driving reason/unreason behind the lockout. Leg Football Tattoos 9. I find nothing as silly as when people try to compare playing in the NFL to a regular job.. Im sure a bunch of guys of similar appearance felt it they just sounded reasonable when they fought to maintain slavery and to prevent womens basic rights (like owning property or voting) as well. but find one company that says if you get a tat youre fired. thats crossing the line. WebSome famous people who have a tattoo include Michael Jordan, Paul Stanley (of WWE fame), Sylvester Stallone, and Marilyn Monroe. I guess it is a fair assumption you have never heard of the CFL, UFL or Arena Football League. Missing ur point. And to be honest, I seriously doubt many people care what you look like as long as you get the freakin job done. I dont really like JR but it doesnt sound like he told Newton he isnt allowed to get tattoos or piercings, he was just letting him know he would prefer he doesnt. But you cant do EVERYTHING you want. He has just as much right to put expectations on his employees as any other owner of any other company. Furthermore, check yourself in the mirror bro, for the way you embarrassed yourself and your franchise with your handling of preliminary CBA negotiations. Any job like that is going to have image standards and moral terpitude clauses. Though the topic was addressed by Tom Sorensen of the Charlotte Observer in April, its worth repeating. If you had something worth 500 million dollars, would you be worried what any of the posters on PFT thought? The most successful franchise in the history of sports: Yankees have been doing that for years. . 1 location for custom sneakers in Europe. Fans may be the lifeblood of the NFL, but theyre going to be there regardless. As the face of the organization for (presumably, if everything goes well) the next 10+ years, if not for life, you want to roll out a conservative image. Am I saying Richardson is a racists? Appearing as guests on PBSs Charlie Rose (thanks for the heads up, SportsBusiness Daily), Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and Panthers owner Jerry Richardson talked about a variety of issues. NFL players without Tattoos It seems to be accepted in industries that dont deal much with the public, except for the carnival. Tattoo's Register now! The candidate and employer were on the same page. If Cam decides to get a piercing or tat, Im sure he will. Most employers have some sort of dress code employees must stick to-even our military when it comes to tattoos and piercings. If Newton doesnt like it, get them and let Richardson trade him for it. A perfect example is Robert Kraft and his relationships with his team. Thats just fact. Its a simple process and then you feel happy because you know you are helping another person. The main reason Ronaldo does not have tattoos is that he donates blood regularly. In saying that Cam is up for it and he will be great, it is just going to take some time. Operation Sports Forums > Football > Madden NFL Football > Madden Will work with any roster or draft class but doesn't have tattoos for any player without face scan. -. Its his team so he can do so. 5. Brandon Roy 4. You can. How some of you idiots turned this into a race/slavery issue is beyond me. No. The yankees do the same stuff in baseball. If Im getting paid millions of dollars to be a high profile leader in a company and represent that company publicly? Keyonta AlexanderHe is considered a great military leader and was They also have the right to have it backfire on them if it turns out nobody really cares if a football player has tattoos, and all this conversation does is plant the seed among other players that maybe this isnt a guy you want to play for. But I bet its not always the case with sponsors and advertisers and the business that pay to be affiliated with the team. As others have pointed out, the Yankees enforce a dress code for their players. im not a supporter of owner meddling in his employees personal time. But Richardson isnt Newtons father. I have to side with Richardson on this one. Also, I doubt paying customers will care about any of that assuming TDs are being put on the board. WebFrom a big, beefy offensive lineman having Mamas Boy tatted on his massive biceps to Jeremy Shockeys nod to the great American bald eagle, the league is littered with tattoos that are questionable at best. If Cam is a decent guy who wants to be a franchise QB hed probably just not get tatoos and piercings anyways. The players are going to fill that lost in their new collective barging agreement. should rememberand how could they forgetthat Newton, as a union member, is covered by a collective bargaining agreement that sets out the conditions of his employment. They asked him before the draft if he could be that public face and he agreed. We can pretend were past this as a society, but unfortunately were not. If teams want shrink the talent pool they pick from then all the power too them. I didnt know Jerry Richardson was a Michelle Bachmann backer. I think theyre stupid looking, but thats just me. I disagree with the assertion. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. Personally, I hate tattoos. Most fans will still come, even if they think the player is not a role model. Just as long as it isnt in the form of a threat or ultimatum. He seems like an all around great guy. Shin Football Tattoos 13. I thought, Oh my God! My mate was in and he felt proper awkward.. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player(s) to have no tattoos. @oldhamletman, than he has to put those rules in for everyone and not single people out. The recent fight and shooting at the Raider-Niner game last weekend was a huge red flag. I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. I dont have any tats Im not against it I just havent found something to put on my body forever. Obviously there are exceptions to this idea such as Mike Vick but even Vick acknowledged that before his stint in the clink he didnt spend near enough time studying. When has it ever been cool to make up rules as we go? You think you can go into a big firm and score a high paying job while sporting tatoos and peircings? however, picking and choosing who can and cant have these piercings/tatoos is discrimination and can open up a door to issues, potential discrimination law suits. The Yankees have a long standing ban on facial hair and long hair, and thats been working all right for them over the years. That being saiduntil the NFL states itI dont think the individual owners have the right as they are just pieces of the whole organization. I dont see what the big deal is. However, the players that chose to go there generally are free agents and choose to acquiesce to that rule. It isnt illegal for the boss to discriminate against people with tattoos or piercings. Also, I doubt paying customers will care about any of that assuming TDs are being put on the board. By even asking this question of Cam, JR has now planted a seed in Cams mind that maybe he should ask JR before doing anything that Massa JR dont prefer. Paul Pogba. Tattoos have received a negative connotation in recent years, going as far as the NFL might hire police experts to study players tattoos, according to an article published by CBS . I guess he would turn down the new Tom Brady? But Earrings denote immaturity. Only one of the the top two players in franchise history was inked up and down the arm. Cmon Cam show a pair! Richardson presumably wants him to do nothing that would potentially alienate the mainstream paying customers. LaMarcus Aldridge has more than one tattoo 1. who careshe can run his business anyway he wantsthere are plenty of workplaces that dont allow tattoos or piercings. He makes the tattooed team for his inked forearms. There are trade offs. 1 draft pick, Jerry Richardson to Cam Newton: No tattoos, no piercings, Report: Derek Carr wants $35 million per year, The Raiders are the betting favorites to land Aaron Rodgers, Mike McCarthy: Kellen Moore wants to light the scoreboard up, I want to run the damn ball, ESPN reiterates report that Lamar Jackson wants a fully-guaranteed deal, Arrest warrant issued for Jalen Carter for reckless driving, racing, Aaron Rodgers says hell make a decision soon enough, Competition Committee begins to explore the quarterback push play, Players say Chiefs discourage them from reporting injuries, have NFLs worst training staff, Bryce Young is just over 5-10 and 204 pounds. I am the biggest Panthers fan and Cam Newtons most staunch supporter(and he needs it in Charlotte), since his first game against Clemson last year.