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We can even use it as a motif. It's spitting. Thanksweather is fascinating. The first thing you should do is establish the force of the wind. Thanks for sharing this! Some great phrases here, Jacqui. Weather intrigues. tranquility. Log in. The moon is out. It's going to rain. Thats how I do it, too. Not at all. William C. Bryant. What a helpful post, Jacqui! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To prevent spam, all comments are moderated and will be published upon approval. Excellent list, Jacqui. Sunny weather means theres lots of sunshine. , Great post. It is pretty interesting to view weather through so many literary eyes, innit? You can also experiment with similes or metaphors. Literally: "It's an oven!" Its been gusty all afternoon and my umbrella was blown away. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Heat wave hit, temperatures went soaring. It captures so much of the fear and hope. Next time you dont know what to say to someone, you can eruditely talk about the weather! sunless . Weather Expressions in Spanish: Types of Weather and Seasons Such descriptions can help add a sense of time in a story (just as the phases of the moon or the stars can create time (crescent moon in evening is aa new waxing moon, crescent moon in morning before sunrise is a waxing moon just before the dark of the moon which are the three days the moon is in the shadow of the earth. Put it together, and this idiom means to survive a difficult challenge. El clima es agradable. Useful Phrases Describing the Weather in English - ESLBUZZ I hope you find them as helpful as I do. It's windy. 33 words and phrases for talking about the weather in english web feb 20 2022 these adjectives describe the wind gusty suggests a sudden brief burst of wind while windy refers to a stronger than usual wind . What would we do without words, eh! I like it so well, Ive migrated from being a print book reader to a Kindle reader. Wind is always moving air, but it can be gentle, such as a light breeze, or violent, as in a hurricane or tornado. I think Id like to be a meteorologist in my next life. Pingback: Top 10 Posts, Most Commented, and Tips for 2022 |, Pingback: Hows The Weather In Your Story? As a writer, youll have to find the most unique and effective words to describe every emotion, sight and general experience you are trying to convey to your readers. You could use other nouns like snow or a storm. Headlamps of cars did little to pierce the gloom. Thanks, Joy. Who knew there were so many clever ways to describe weather? Or maybe youre still debating about whether or not you want to venture (go) outdoors, so you might ask this to someone who comes inside. Pingback: Episode 129: A Dark and Stormy Night #WriteOnSC Radio Show and Craft School. Downpour started in the early evening and continued on through the night, a heavy pelting of water that thundered against rooftops and drowned out the sound of all else. She could feel her T-shirt glue itself stickily to her skin. It's cloudy. 05 Sun-drenched "There is no place on earth like the sun-drenched beaches of the Caribbean." Sun-drenched is a great word to use when describing a place that is always very sunny. Wind. He uses descriptive noun phrases, strong verbs, and powerful adjectives. The phrases cloudy, showers, and downpour refer to wet and rainy weather. While the origin of this expression is a heatedly debated one, you can . Heres another example: This is the most beautiful weatherweve had all week! The shadows slipped up the rocks as though the world were drowning in darkness. Using the question form can be quite refreshing especially when you expect the person to agree with you. Importance of understanding weather phrases: If you are traveling and need to check what kind of clothing to bring, then being able to describe the weather accurately will help you get ready for your journey. 4. Windy - It was windy and Jake felt cold. . Jeelit - freezing, i.e. I grab these from books I read. Bush fires are common around here when the weather is dry. saw a distant flash of lightning, counted the seconds, and then said, six miles, more or less.. Hmm?? Words that are not widely understood are also worth avoiding. Imagine youre in a local restaurant and the waiter casually tells you, Be careful of that fogwhen you go over the bridge. Youll be glad you know what the word fog means! A good example is petrichor. Weather Sayings and Meanings. The semi-drought slowly draining the life out of the grass and trees. When its dry, theres no rain or moisture in the air. With cool, however, were talking about fairly low, spring-like temperatures when you may only need to wear a sweater out. e. e. cummings Solar power, wind power, the way forward is to collaborate with nature - it's the only way we are going to get to the other end of the 21st century. ox. The haze floated over the crowd like smoke from a doused fire. OMG, Jacqui. The sun was climbing out of the deep well of winter, but it was still brutally cold. Dirty Weather - forecast on the App Store severe extremely unpleasant and likely to cause harm or damage, threatening clouds, skies, or seas show that the weather is likely to be bad, torrential rain falling in large amounts, unseasonable not the type of weather that you expect in a particular season, billow a cloud that rises and moves in a large mass, blizzard a snowstorm with very strong winds, cirrocumulus small round clouds that form lines high in the sky, cirrostratus a thin layer of cloud found very high in the sky, cirrus a type of thin cloud found very high in the sky, column something that rises up into the air in a straight line, cumulonimbus a mass of very tall thick cloud that usually brings rain and sometimes thunder, cumulus a large low white cloud that is round at the top and flat at the bottom, dull when there are a lot of clouds and it is rather dark, fog a thick cloud that forms close to the ground or to water and is difficult to see through (fog is thicker than mist), fogbound not able to operate normally because of thick fog, gather if clouds gather, they start to appear and cover part of the sky, grey when it is not very bright, because there is a lot of cloud, hurricane a violent storm with very strong winds, lower if clouds lower, they are very dark, as if a storm is coming, overcast a sky completely full of clouds, pall cloud that covers an area and makes it darker, pea souper thick low cloud that prevents you from seeing anything, sea mist a thin low cloud that comes onto the land from the sea, steam- the wet substance that forms on windows and mirrors when wet air suddenly becomes hot or cold. GDPR & CCPA privacy. Cold rain was beating down on my windshield. Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe unpleasant weather from the Macmillan English Dictionary . By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I keep a collection of descriptions that have pulled me into the books I read. Although I no longer transcribe them into a file on my computer (too time-consuming), the mere act of highlighting imprints the phrases in my mind. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Weather Sayings and Their Meanings | The Old Farmer's Almanac The sky above was full of tumultuous, dark, ragged clouds. When you leave a comment, WordPress stores your gravatar name, IP Address, comment, and email address. Mine is so long,d I added a table of contents with links to the sections! There no longer is a temperature criterion for a blizzard. This scale begins with an intensity of F0 called a Gale Tornado. light wind means the wind blowing slightly. 14 Metaphors about Wind (2023) - Symbolism & Metaphor The word boiling is used here as an adjective, not as a verb, to create an image of how hot it is. The sun started baking early across the plains, delivering a scorching promise for the day ahead. Cheers Hilary. Your email address will not be published. I think, I too, have known autumn too long. As for stars: Orion in winter, Scorpus in summer, etc). PDF Paragraph Describing The Wind Copy - I love weather, the seasons, earth and sky. Understanding these phrases will help you be more accurate when talking about the weather, as well as give you insight into the culture and customs of English-speaking countries. Weather is so many different things to different people. The opposite of that would be: The phrase expected to be suggests that you think itll happen. These lists are so inspirational! Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Breeze - A cold breeze was blowing hard. If you liked this bloggers writing, you may enjoy: Sources: Hahaha can I just say HOT, or the weather outside is weather yeah? Who wouldve thought. Here are some phrases to help you prepare. Dirty Weather is a mobile app that provides weather forecast all over the world, describing the weather states with simple but cheeky phrases and (sometimes) dirty words. Phrases that contain the word: wind Onomatopoeic verbs and words are perfect for describing the weather because they make a sound. Synonyms for No wind. Its an opportunity to show readers the setting rather than tell them about the weather using a couple of quick adjectives. Sometimes when my mind has trailed off the story, it is descriptions like these that put my mind right back in. first cumulus clouds darkening into thunderheads. While its interesting to find new words, not all of them are useful. Indeed and thank you, Jacqui. A cold north wind hissed through the trees. When its warm though, temperatures are fairly high but bearable. and peace at last.. windshield wipers barely keeping up with the cold, hard rain The rain came steady and cold against the windshield and rattled on the roof of the car. For example: " The weather outside is nice.". The fangs of the wind ripped at Wendell's cloak. That's all! Light / gentle rain or Drizzle means not heavy rain. Hay lluvias torrenciales. We can use it to foreshadow, create a mood, complicate a plot, show a character, and increase or decrease the pace of a story. A harsh winter wind blew out of a midnight sky. Remember that we need to describe weather through our characters interactions with their environments. It's Freezing Out There! Useful Cold Weather Vocabulary Thanks for sharing. Pingback: Top 10 Posts and Most Commented for 2021 |. Haber is used as hay when talking about the weather, and it's mostly for factual statements such as "There is a hurricane" or "There is a storm". Seemed to be bracing himself for leaving the cool comfort of air-conditioning behind and bursting once more into the heat. All Rights Reserved. The dog star in Canis Major, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rising in late summer (as it rises just before daylight) is linked to dog days of summer, I also like the old graveside prayer that describes the end of life: 17 / 50 Seth Lively // Shutterstock Doppler radar Today is so hotthat Ive been sitting under the fan all day. Here, too, though I have an excellent fan in my home office. . Blustery - The day was cold and blustery. The corners have just about disappeared into the shadows. The sun is shining. Il fait _ degrs. Some of these are quite lovely. Blue skies is a phrase meaning a sign of good weather: There's nothing but blue skies outside. words phrases and sentences to describe a storm FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Grit grated in his teeth. Nice collection! Il fait nuageux. 7 English Words to describe the cold weather in Style 1) Nippy . 14 Online English Speaking Courses to Become a Confident English Speaker, How to Greatly Improve Your English Pronunciation in 15 Steps, Improve Your English Listening Skills: 19 Tips for Getting Better Faster. Examples You Can Grab as Story Prompts. I even get lots of ideas for titles, something Im always struggling with entering competitions. Il fait doux. Cheers. Many of us keep the Weather Channel bookmarked and ready on our computers or phone. Oh my, Jacqui. suggest new. with a lot of wind. Im going to start doing this. These are descriptions that always make me pause and reread them to fully enjoy them. (c) The rate of formation of HbO2 increases to 1.4 10^-4 M/s during exercise to meet the demand of increased metabolism rate. The crisp air and clear sky energized his thoughts. Here are some words to describe wind based on how people react to it/feel: There are many more words to describe wind that youve probably never even thought of using before. At the end of the scale is F6, otherwise called the Inconceivable Tornado. Thanks so much for sharing. Can I confess something? Gentle wind is a light wind. Il fait du + noun brisk adjective. It was too long for a post. *** cranked the air-conditioning. You could also use adverbs like extremely or really. They allow us to accurately describe the weather and understand what other people mean when they use these terms. The Weather - English Vocabulary in Examples - ThoughtCo Such lousy weather! It's raining hard. More from Idioms and phrases. They do that for me, too, and thats why I couldnt just read and move on. On cool days like today, you should be fine with a light jacket. Its because we so often refer to the weather as it. Its a pity because the complete sentence is a wonderful example of how to describe the weather in writing. Here are 31 examples of words to describe wind that can better express yourself to your audience: Before we get to the words to describe wind, let us first establish what the wind is like in your writing. A thunderstorm.. BTW, you won a book on my blog. The petrichor gave a hint of hope to the farmers. with strong winds. This is the same as "biting cold", meaning "very cold". Il fait frais. Her non-fiction includes over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, reviews as an Amazon Vine Voice, a columnist for NEA Today, and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. A light breeze whispered through the trees. It may in fact be related to the Dutch word . Heavy rain is torrential, while very light, fine rain is misty and persistent rain goes on for a long time. The second problem with the phrase is that it starts with a grammatical expletive. Watergaw - A patch of rainbow in the sky , it should be noted that a watergaw is not . The sunset is making it unusually warm this evening. "It was a bright and sunny morning. The phrases rain, storm, humid, and low pressure describe different types of expected weather conditions. Master List for Describing Weather | BRYN DONOVAN i use the weather regularly in my stories to create a specific mood. As we were walking along the beach, it started to getwindy. Sweltering, torrential and gusty: interesting words for - Cambridge A setting without the weather is like a character without a wardrobe. She slogged forward, feeling blotches of dark gray sweat bloom across the front of her T-shirt, while more trailed down the small of her back. Because the weather forecast doesn't have to be boring! The cruel icy wind cut like a knife across her cheeks. It's cold. Verbs and words like these are extremely useful because they are action words and highly descriptive. Get 70% off + 10 languages + 14 day free trial. We'll have the picnic Sunday, come rain or shine. Great list, Jacqui. You can probably tell I favor thrillers, action. Whether youre at the coffee machine or waiting your turn at the post office, chances are you might get into a casual conversation with the person next to you about whats going on outside. After analyzing that list, you should be able to find which scientific word matches what you have in mind. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 25 of the Best Words to Describe Heat and Hot Weather Saving and sharing. Hehee. i also post weather images regularly on instagram. Many have criticized the phrase, and Writers Digest went as far as to call it the literary poster child for bad story starters. It puts to bed any thought that weather is boring, doesnt it? Both of these are good questions to ask if you havent gone outside in a while, and youre wondering if things have changed. "The sound of the rain was just so soothing last night that I have no clue when I dozed off.". Again, its a great word to know, but with very limited use in writing. can take anywhere. I hope these words that describe weather help you with your writing. In almost every story, both fiction and nonfiction, there is usually at least one reference to the weather. Its purely a reminder that you can always improve. if it is brisk, the weather is fairly cold and a fairly strong wind is blowing. This means that if you buy a product or service through links or advertisements on our site, we may receive an affiliate commission. Not that it is needy. It's lightning. I would say weather could surprise them. Weather Vocabulary: Useful Weather Words & Terms 7ESL Il fait mauvais. It was an unseasonably hot day, with temperatures reaching the high twenties. then in thy mercy We can use adjectives such as icy, mild, and chilly to describe the weather. Synonyms for WINDY: gusty, blustery, blowy, breezy, squally, drafty, stormy, tempestuous; Antonyms of WINDY: calm, still, motionless, breathless, eloquent . Dump a tray of ice cubes on your bed. When the weather iswarm, I prefer light clothing like t-shirts. Thanks! blustery adjective. They are amazing and so helpful. the moon golden at dawn, turn purple just before sunset in the rainy season, sometimes has white and black stripes created by volcanic ash, calm and clear sometimes attended by only a single cloud. I enjoyed reading these, thanks:). You could use similar adjectives like nasty or terrible instead. It's cool. And overnight, a transformation. fluffy white clouds gentle sunshine lazy sunshine kind sunshine filtered sunlight dappled sunlight welcome warmth [AdSense-B] one of those rare, perfect days the kind of day that made people forget to worry the kind of day that lifted people's moods COOL WEATHER crisp air refreshing air stimulating cool air invigorating cool air bracing cool air This is a popular idiom (expression) for saying that its raining heavily. I am reading The Long Walk by Bachman/King at the moment and that has some very descriptive phrases in it. Rain, as always, arrived too little, too late to save the crops. black branches that traced the blue-black heavens overhead, a half-moon rests in the fronds over our heads. Required fields are marked *. Temperature. Be well. The building was only a shadowy form, almost entirely lost to view. We live near Lake Ontario and Oneida Lake and get frequent lake effect snow storms in winter. I love nature writers. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 7 months of winter. The words brilliantly, glistening, and balmy refer to sunny days with pleasant temperatures. Weather Phrases Phrases Used to Describe Weather. Hay nubes. It's cold. A Scottish word to describe a fine, drifting rain or drizzle. great list Jacqui. Adjectives Words to Describe Rain and Wind - EnglishBix Using highly descriptive or figurative language and a variety of grammar structures help you paint the picture vividly in a readers mind. 2. Sweat immediately beaded across her brow. 1. Wonderful. 4. Rain came down so hard it almost hurt, stinging the skin and blowing into the eyes and nose and mouth, but in the forest its fall is broken by the trees. Maybe we've got heavy rain, or maybe it's light - it doesn't matter. I enjoyed your thoughts. This one IS long but weather gives us a lot to talk about and a lot to experience. Here I am 2 years since your post and inspired by your creativity. Here are words used to describe the weather from stormy days to beautiful sunny days on the beach. 1. Related reading: Words To Avoid In Writing That Say Nothing. Words used to describe windy weather - Macmillan Dictionary Idioms Used to Describe Weather Here are some weather idioms in English: It's raining cats and dogs! Dont remember having a good one of these for a while. Literally: "What heat!" Es un horno! Some of them are very similar in meaning (i.e.,hotandwarm) and a little harder to distinguish, while others are completely different (i.e.,rainyandsunny) and easier to remember. More Advanced Vocabulary to Describe the Weather - Part 2: Stop Saying Do you-all get anything other than hot and humid or too-darn-windy? Select all of the answers that apply. - Blustery means the wind blowing strongly. It's nice out. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. It's humid. It's raining. The verb "is" is translated into Spanish as the verbs hacer (to do), estar (to be), or haber (there is). The wind seemed to grow in strength and was soon screaming through the trees. These two adjectives refer to hazy conditions caused by small droplets of water in the air that make it difficult to see. definitions. God is bowling upstairs during a thunderstorm. Hace fro. hundred degree heat, burning sun and parching salt, ninety-five outside, probably a hundred in the car. Two words cold-weather commuters never want to hear are "wintry mix." When precipitation travels through an above-freezing "warm" layer of air followed by a cold, below-freezing layer, it's possible for snow, sleet, and freezing rain to fall simultaneously. I had to note them! Its a little humid, but its still nice. It's brass monkey weather. This ones 160+Ways to Describe Weather. Clouds threatening, but no rain predicted the 45-mile per hour gusts of drizzly wind. My days are spent writing and blogging, as well as testing and taming new technology. The flower bed was a soggy matting of dead stems. Unit Test (100%) Flashcards | Quizlet Thunder is the loud booming sound which usually follows a flash of lightning in the sky. Check out this article for tips on bringing the heat. This is a simple sentence using two or more descriptive adjectives. Note how weather augments each of the following and provides a backdrop that steers readers toward an emotional response. To fully participate in these conversations, youll need lots of English words and phrases in your vocabulary. It's foggy. Here are 16 examples: Wind doesnt always feel the same when it touches your skin. No Wind synonyms - 38 Words and Phrases for No Wind - Power Thesaurus 10 Weather Idioms You Need to Be Using | KSE Academy FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. Mobile Apps. / Whats it like out there? Talking About the Weather in Spanish: 77 Spanish Weather Words (and MIR . (We even have one for words that describe colours.) On sunny days, I like to take the kids to the beach. Only 7 in the morning, and already stocky hot. How exciting! But you should avoid words that are too simplistic. Before moving on to learning some weather-related phrases, why don't you take a couple of minutes to practice the Spanish weather vocabulary we've covered so far. I didnt know NY was that cold! But if you describe the heat, the cold, the wind, or the rain with noun phrases, you can improve these easily. You could use other comparative adjectives like colder or less windy. Deluge is a severe flood. The tops of the trees were bending, arching from side to side, whistling and sigh- Stop making everyone shiver all the time. It's hot. U.S. Weather: How to Describe Weather in English - Blog Definition of wind in the Idioms Dictionary. No shade existed for miles and the heat rising up from the baked earth was brutal. It's windy. For an average adult, the concentrations of Hb and O2 in the blood at the lungs are 8.0 10^-6 M and 1.5 10^-6 M respectively. Words used to describe windy weather - thesaurus. Why Learn to Talk About the Weather in English? In all walks of life, the weather is an essential part of our everyday lives and conversations. She is also the author of the Rowe-Delamagente thrillers and Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughters journey from high school to United States Naval Academy. Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented: beautiful, 82 degrees, mild breeze, cloudless sunshine, a day for looking at a ball game, a web of clouds, back-lit by the failing sun, mist billowed through the trees and over the fields and hung low in the air, masking the camp in a ghostly gray. You put a smile on my face:). The sun is shining brilliantly, and the water in the river is glistening. Usually, these terms are used by meteorologists and weather presenters when they provide an update on the forecast. Idioms can effectively convey an idea in the clearest way possible without even mentioning that idea directly.That's why I love idioms, and that's why last week, in collaboration with Lingoda, I brought you 10 super common idioms used by native speakers. Cold refers to very low temperatures, close to freezingthe type of weather that requires a heavy coat to go outside. Pop your underwear in the freezer. Hace viento. Word play is an enjoyable activity. Reblogged this on Coffee82 and commented: The higher the clouds, the better the weather. By morning, city streets were shallow rivers rushing toward the ocean. Hot Weather Vocabulary and Phrases drizzle (noun) / drizzly (adj) - very light rain pouring (verb / adj) - raining very heavily a downpour (noun) - a short time of very heavy rain a shower (noun) - a short time of light rain spitting (verb) - just starting to rain Even at more formal occasions, like business meetings or other professional settings, weather is a popular topic for small talk.