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Competing against Major League Soccer (MLS) youth academies, Portland Thorns youth academy and State Olympic Development Program (ODP) teams, the Friendship Cup has served as one of the top ODP tournaments in the country for 27 years. Portland Timbers Club Roster Standings Stats Front Office Youth Development Club History Employment Accountability, Engagement & Equity Initiatives Media Resources Starting as low as $515 Choose from a wide range of options and experience all the perks, including exclusive ticket pre-sales and discounts on gear. The regional level of ODP is administrated by US Youth Soccer Western Region. vkw2 Z9CxR2}8{s38LGZCdNi,=C1oeLX_+ We have seen so much success with our teams, players and events over this period and we wish the players and families nothing but success moving forward. Each in its own is either a pathway to Regionals or a fun tournament at the end of the season. hb```f``rg`a` @1V ,pB,QJ#W|W*i)```qh0F dDG6@EbaH .F,?Yq10U1@ErfbfQ @_ 73 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<06CF63E67B48C100A3CEF3BA2FC8B926>]/Index[53 31]/Info 52 0 R/Length 102/Prev 262964/Root 54 0 R/Size 84/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Get players' names, positions, nationality, and more. but never actually made an MLS appearance are . The Portland Timbers/OYSA ODP mission is to identify, evaluate, and provide more consistent training opportunities for the elite youth soccer players in Oregon. clubs as Charlotte FC also enters MLS. Oregon Youth Soccer runs two State-level programs to meet the needs of our players at all levels of the game across the state. Make your plans to spend the summer with us! You'll be asked if you want to add more players or to finish registration and pay. Choose from a wide range of options and experience all the perks, including exclusive ticket pre-sales and discounts on gear. The Portland Timbers ' 2023 MLS schedule is set, featuring the earliest regular season opener in team history and 34 total games stretching through the end of October. hn8_e.,\$Pp$5y7^(6j!Ywn+R3sg8h"Q3*A Tryout Information will be posted under the RTC section on the Timbers website once we confirm dates and times at each location! CHOOSE YOUR PAYMENT AND YOU'RE DONE! Now available on the Apple TV app, Accountability, Engagement & Equity Initiatives. Coaching education is the key to growing soccer in Oregon. The Timbers will no longer direct or coordinate these events. Now available on the Apple TV app, Accountability, Engagement & Equity Initiatives. %%EOF The principal Portland Timbers/OYSA ODP mission is to identify, evaluate, and provide more consistent training opportunities for the elite youth soccer players in Oregon. Gear up for the season with great deals and awesome styles. . The Olympic Development Program (ODP) is a national program run under the auspices of US Youth Soccer. 0 HWn6+x oRr^Uf6vMT"%?/\ Z~}O4]|Ct&?Q?/bOr^OUB/K"/q9kw^m'|&{ u]`Z>KW}7u>t0P01 . MLS commissioner Don Garber discusses expansion, Apple TV deal and more in, MLS commissioner wont rule out promotion, relegation system for league, MLS partnering with team behind Drive to Survive for documentary . In fact, they will complement one another. 2023 tickets are now on sale. will let each team pick the days and schedule you want to play if you register before February 1st. Anyway, youre probably gonna see a few. Each location will offer 3-4 tryout dates over a two-week period in case families have conflicts and cant make tryouts during a particular week. Every Screen. O 4]zK _OaMNh"(%E[SxY| To advance the soccer skills and knowledge of players and coaches in each Timbers-Thorns-ODP age group, to send back to their club teams to share and develop. o\C{o~!X(o]43)vQyPLI(:cDXo(>p)VN s!u`w|xU>;oC'vvMY{]TcPlpyO/@IWctA%TA::l$xnxrm)?khxeXJ+T!cnusnp{UPd2-hUD$Ui1}&[kc#U eR,i R1OIeC"'=w ;ZJ-Z}0} (MLS). Tryout schedules for each part of the state have been set.RTC (U10-U14) Boys & Girls: Date: October 2nd, 2020 Location: Fir Grove Park, RoseburgTime: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. With the USDA and Club DA programs being shut down by US Soccerat U12-14, there are no longer any conflicts for players to try out for the Timbers and Thorns RTC program. Midfielders: Blake Bodily, Diego Chara, Yimmi Chara, George Fochive, Marvin Lora, Santiago Moreno, Cristhian Paredes, Andy Polo, Diego Valeri, Eryk Williamson 2023 MLS. OrfRb@[b+7K% E' More than 50 college, regional and national coaches were also on hand to evaluate and scout players. The RTC program will have training centers in the following locations: Portland West (Beaverton), Portland East (Gresham/Clackamas), Portland North/Vancouver (Delta Park/Luke Jensen), Portland South (Tigard), Salem, Bend, Eugene/Corvallis, Medford/Grants Pass and the Gorge (Hood River). [emailprotected], OYSA-Timbers/Thorns ODP Development Academy Philosophy. +fgq luY~w\r@fBrWOs1p"E.rC;;kD)D 39 0 obj <> endobj 1 /5maDQg0{]eG{M-.,L$Fl/!ip944%H.Ka!EA\cih"c5Bl%x)$JD?ueI'T2y#&%6aFV}Q-ck; _sRggp@m&lba'xl>]*(g/:`#@/0e(; Portland Timbers Camps If you have questions or problems, please . 8}qGXars2:::P!Xlj Ck3FIFi,,,9\JmKX^"VX qgk ]@$ 3J }1` The Portland Thorns Olympic Development Program, in conjunction with Oregon Youth Soccer Association, is a program designed to identify the top youth players in the state of . 53 0 obj <> endobj ($vj]#u5H!X,m6{:xwLLB`4X1 " jRIaL_E[]~(7>q2[G%Unr7l`k0)wnaby!E|, The Major League Soccer and MLS name and shield are registered trademarks of Major League Soccer, L.L.C. Our goal is to bring together the best players from our area to compete in ODP events to be identified for Regionals Summer ID Events. Camp. The 2009 ODP tryouts take place in late November/early December. Cal North will be hosting Olympic Development Tryouts the following dates at Ripon Soccer Complex: More information to come on all Cal North social media platforms. The Major League Soccer and MLS name and shield are registered . & ,&7H"0yDrLl`i@qC, hFG~ ~= For social, video, and now our eNewsletterOYSA stays connected! Phone : 541-672-5089 After you've filled in your parent and player(s) information, you'll see your total fees and can choose to pay by check or by debit or credit card online. RTC Directors who have been confirmed have bios included in the RTC Information Guides for both the boys and girls. endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream For a very detailed guide to the RTC program and the Developmental Pyramid, we would highly recommend you read the RTC Information Documents located on the Timbers RTC page atwww.timbers.comor by clicking on either the Boys or Girls documents below. Erik Lyslo will be in touch with families once payment has been reimbursed, via email. Make your plans to spend the summer with us! PurposeTo identify and provide opportunities for high potential players, facilitate their development, expose them to the next level of their chosen pathway and motivate their pursuit of excellence. As part of the effort, the Portland Timbers ODP program is dedicated to helping to develop the highest level of youth soccer in the state and Portland Timbers home-grown territories. *as of Dec. 12 Being a left-footed player, I offer different qualities than most players. OYSA has indicated their plan is to keep all players and coaches in the current ODP pools and follow the current training schedule, tryout schedule and event schedule the Timbers created for the ODP season. Every Screen. 2023 tickets are now on sale. 0 The names and logos of MLS teams are registered and/or common law trademarks of MLS or are used with the permission of their owners. (MLS). 69 0 obj <>stream They all started in our program, at this level, and developed into these national caliber players. aCpePCDG8.xYt WcnH*WZn4U1Q,{M4"a)H1\ JNXh^cyjtJ?fV}TUiiutJ;W\4FbsBM5a`xsosA The Timbers will reimburse all families who have paid the ODP state fee and ordered a kit (2006-2009 players). Goalkeepers: Jeff Attinella, Hunter Sulte To provide appropriate competition for state Timbers-Thorns-ODP teams in each age group. hb```f``e`a`cgd@ A+s|EH9|:2z endstream endobj startxref CHOOSE YOUR PAYMENT AND YOU'RE DONE! %PDF-1.5 % Participating the last 5 YearsPortland Timbers Oregon ODP/Pre-AcademyPortland Timbers DASan Jose Earthquakes Pre-AcademySeattle Sounders Pre-AcademyPortland Thorns Girls AcademyWashington ODPCal-North ODPColorado ODPAlaska ODPEastern Washington ODPCrossfire Pre-Academy (Seattle)Crossfire ECNL (Seattle)Diablo FCSan Francisco EliteWashington Premier ECNLSMC EarthquakesMarin FC, 2005 Boys - Benavides-Garb, Alejandro2005 Boys - Calvillo Hernandez, Jose Abel2005 Boys - Cano, Manuel2005 Boys - Carey, Montgomery2005 Boys - Hancock, Ian2005 Boys - Hernandez, Ezekiel2005 Boys - Jacobson-Bell, Tobias2005 Boys - LaGrasse, Tyler2005 Boys - Lomeli, Ramon Jr.2005 Boys - McKinney, Shawn2005 Boys - Mendiola Mora, Ervin2005 Boys - Montero, Adam2005 Boys - Rahimi, Sultan2005 Boys - Reyes Vidal, Jorge2005 Boys - Rhee, Joshua2005 Boys - Rodriguez, Joshua2005 Boys - Smith, Cameron2005 Boys - Wallis, Nicholas, 2005 Girls - Bahia, Arpan2005 Girls - Barth, Jillian2005 Girls - Drew, Caitlynn2005 Girls - Elbeshity, Halah2005 Girls - Farber, Ellie2005 Girls - Grundland Lanuza, Sydney2005 Girls - Hartfield, Zoey2005 Girls - Houlihan, Alyssa2005 Girls - Juarez, Madison2005 Girls - Lindstrom, Julia2005 Girls - Obermeyer, Kyndra2005 Girls - Pineda Aliamus, Paige2005 Girls - Reed, Melanie2005 Girls - Rodriguez, Isabella2005 Girls - Savig, Alyssa2005 Girls - Schroeder, Lexi2005 Girls - Stiner, Regan2005 Girls - Sulzberg, Leah, 2006 Boys - Busette, Alaix2006 Boys - Chalwin, Joseph2006 Boys - Contente, Benjamin2006 Boys - Cristino Apolinar, David2006 Boys - Dominguez Cessna, Leonardo2006 Boys - Figueroa, Skyler2006 Boys - Harding, Blake2006 Boys - Kremer, Hakuto2006 Boys - Lee Olson, Owen2006 Boys - Malhi, Amar2006 Boys - Medina, Jorge2006 Boys - Miller, Jeremy2006 Boys - Moore, Canyon2006 Boys - Nunez, Brody2006 Boys - Rascher, Aidan2006 Boys - Rittenberg, Nolan2006 Boys - Rolf, Adam2006 Boys - Tseu, Carter, 2006 Girls - Arntzen, Kennedy2006 Girls - Dwarka, Anisha2006 Girls - Ekholdt, Lila2006 Girls - Estabrook, Isis2006 Girls - Faucette, Kiana2006 Girls - Griffith, Reese2006 Girls - Hales, Maia2006 Girls - Ivey, Alivia2006 Girls - Lopez, Angelina2006 Girls - Mathieson, Ava2006 Girls - Perkins, Lakelee2006 Girls - Phair, Ella2006 Girls - Polk, Alyssa2006 Girls - Porubski, Shannon2006 Girls - Schlosser, Hailey2006 Girls - Tinsley, Molly2006 Girls - Tollefson, Ella2006 Girls - Winegar, Juno, 2007 Boys - Adams, Oliver2007 Boys - Borovikov, Michael2007 Boys - El-Sherif, Andrew2007 Boys - Farley, Colin2007 Boys - Georgeson, Luke2007 Boys - Gonzalez-Alvarez, Andres2007 Boys - Habhab, Nicholas2007 Boys - Hernandez Lopez, Giovanny2007 Boys - Limon, Elijah2007 Boys - Lopez, Alexis2007 Boys - Mata, Kole2007 Boys - Mazariegos, Kevin2007 Boys - Montejano, Avery2007 Boys - Ortiz, Artemio2007 Boys - Rattigan, Ronan2007 Boys - Rodriguez, Santiago2007 Boys - Sutton, Trevor2007 Boys - Topete, Donovan, 2007 Girls - Butters, Megan2007 Girls - Cantu, Genevieve2007 Girls - Collet, Whitney2007 Girls - Doughty, Hayley2007 Girls - Duink, Izabella2007 Girls - Elbeshity, Hibah2007 Girls - Fonseca, Sarah2007 Girls - Ghibanescu, Daniela2007 Girls - Griffin, Ella2007 Girls - Hsieh, Alexandra2007 Girls - Kambara-Coughlin, Hanae2007 Girls - Kraemer, Julia2007 Girls - Leikin, Raya2007 Girls - Luengo, Jocelyn2007 Girls - Masetti, Lauryn2007 Girls - Sapiz, Rafaella2007 Girls - Smith, Hailey2007 Girls - Yang, Mia, 2008 Boys - Cazares, Sebastian2008 Boys - Cortez-Reyes, Nicolas2008 Boys - Cotter-Norwood, Bilal2008 Boys - Davis, Blaine2008 Boys - Dunn, Aidan2008 Boys - Gonzalez Rosas, Angel2008 Boys - Gutierrez, Francisco2008 Boys - Hamp II, Timothy2008 Boys - Harris, Emmanuel2008 Boys - Lopez -Avalos, Oliver2008 Boys - Luong, Max2008 Boys - Motronchik, Mikel2008 Boys - Nguyen, Maxwell2008 Boys - Ruiz-Martinez, Diego2008 Boys - Sandoval Jr., Rodrigo2008 Boys - Thao, Christian2008 Boys - Tse, Michael2008 Boys - Young, Eden, 2008 Girls - Bella, Lily2008 Girls - Costanzo, Giovanna2008 Girls - Farmer, Kylie2008 Girls - Gaunt, Macey2008 Girls - Gilgallon, Rylan2008 Girls - Goebel, Josslyn2008 Girls - Irizarry, Camila2008 Girls - Jones, Avery2008 Girls - Lawrence, Elliana2008 Girls - McCormick, Fiona2008 Girls - McLin, Aubrey2008 Girls - Minor, Michelle2008 Girls - Olson, Chloe2008 Girls - Savig, Camryn2008 Girls - Shalauta, Isabella2008 Girls - Wallway, Elsa2008 Girls - Willson, Rowan2008 Girls - Woods, Isabella, 2009 Boys - Aguilar, Adrian2009 Boys - Barthmaier, Brayden2009 Boys - Barthmaier, Austin2009 Boys - Cervantes, Santiago2009 Boys - Cifuentes, Johan2009 Boys - Frueh Vazquez, Adrian2009 Boys - Garcia, Gene2009 Boys - Hunt, Dylan2009 Boys - Igleheart, Alexander2009 Boys - Kilimnik, Alexander2009 Boys - Kung, August2009 Boys - Lunar, Guillermo2009 Boys - Munoz, Christopher2009 Boys - Noey, Luke2009 Boys - Tate, James2009 Boys - Trelles, Christian2009 Boys - Yepez, Jonathan2009 Boys - Yzuel, Mason, 2009 Girls - Bower, Charlotte2009 Girls - Brook, Sophia2009 Girls - Brunal, Natalia2009 Girls - Combs, Lila2009 Girls - Conway, Kendall2009 Girls - Denman, Danica2009 Girls - Gallegos, Elihanna2009 Girls - Gil, Isela2009 Girls - Janopaul, Jane2009 Girls - Johnson, Francesca2009 Girls - Jones, Addison2009 Girls - Mcbride, Molly2009 Girls - McCann, Hailee2009 Girls - McCarthy, Gabrielle2009 Girls - McIntosh, McKenna2009 Girls - Reid, Evangeline2009 Girls - Stegall, Keira2009 Girls - White, Norah, 2010 Boys - Astera, Leopold2010 Boys - Crawmer, Emiel2010 Boys - Douhab, Jonah2010 Boys - Gourlay, Zachary2010 Boys - Kim, Luca2010 Boys - Mamuad, Makaio2010 Boys - Man, Hudson2010 Boys - Medina, Julian2010 Boys - Mohammad Ishak, Zayden2010 Boys - Oust, Luke2010 Boys - Quintanilla, David2010 Boys - Restrepo, Evan2010 Boys - Salter, Julian2010 Boys - Smith, Graham2010 Boys - Taylor, Chase2010 Boys - Tomori, Cruz2010 Boys - Utush, Grayson2010 Boys - Yoon, Daham, 2010 Girls - Byun, Lynn2010 Girls - Campbell, Lila2010 Girls - Chavez, Belina2010 Girls - Evans, Milan2010 Girls - Fonseca, Janessa2010 Girls - Ivey, Aviana2010 Girls - Kochman, Grace2010 Girls - Ralls, Julia2010 Girls - Ramos, Amayah2010 Girls - Rauscher, Alana2010 Girls - Sop, Clara2010 Girls - Stemler, Victoria2010 Girls - Sullivan, Emma2010 Girls - Swindle, Jayla2010 Girls - Thompson, Ny'Ema2010 Girls - Thompson, Serenity2010 Girls - Ventura, Kaitlyn2010 Girls - Zuniga, Georgianna.