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Stefan tells Elena that he wishes that he could promise that everything would be okay, that he could save her from craving blood and a heightened sense of pain, but unfortunately, being a vampire will be all those things. Stefan sees a car approaching them from behind Elena, she turns around and sees the car, Stefan raises his thumb to hitchhike, but Elena makes him put his hand down. The death of a vampire could be counted twice if their human death also appeared in the present or past. Stefan and Elena kiss, but are interrupted by a phone call from Damon. They overcame some of their differences when they tried to free Katherine from the tomb, but after they opened it, they discovered she wasn't there. Damon thinks Connor was supernatural for several reasons, including that fact that Klaus mentioned something about Connor being connected with the Five. Later, after ignoring Damon and Elena's calls all morning, he meets the others at the Lockwood mansion where Damon, Elena, Caroline, Tyler and Hayley are discussing their rescue mission to save Jeremy from Connor, who is holding him and possibly others hostage at the Grill. When Caroline enters, he asks her to take a subconscious Enzo. She says that Lily let her go. Satisfied with Elena's reasons, Stefan reminds her to be careful, as it's easy to get caught up in the feed. Later, He stands alone in the crypt when Caroline arrives. Stefan remains adamant until Damon reveals that Elena hasn't been able to keep any blood down, including animal blood, human blood from a blood bag and Damon's blood. Stefan tells her that she's a 17-year-old girl and none of this is her fault. Stefan, Damon and Alaric travel to Portland to investigate the Gemini Coven. Bonnie tells Stefan that she has been unable to perform magic without reliving the horror of watching her Grams be tortured. He however sees that there's also something else-Elena has turned off her humanity and he asks why. He frees Damon and pushes him to keep going but the elder Salvatore refuses to go, saying that he needs a minute and that he'll just slow them down. His head rolls off, revealing a satiated Stefan behind him. While a ripper again, he attempted to murder Elena in her coffin, ripping out Enzo's heart, killing him as he was in his way. As he walks away Elena stops him, implying that she wants to say something to him but then she changes her mind. Stefan is very quick, intelligent and has an excellent memory. Stefan arrives in Fells Church and enrolls as a high school student at Robert E. Lee High School in order to blend in like a regular 17-year-old human teenager (even though Stefan is really 500+ years old). One for Tyler. He then hits Damon due to kissing Elena. However, Stefan was not entirely different from the person he had been before the memory loss. Not long after, two of the Heretics take out two humans and leave their bodies on display hanging upside down. Damon & Stefan use Aaron as a leverage to save Elena from Wes. Then Rebekah and Damon start looking for the cure themselves as Katherine doesn't say where it is. In Promised Land, Stefan is still kidnapped with Elena, he is on other room and he is being held, light streams into the sealed room when a door opens. He tells her that when he is with her the blood thirst disappears and he feels better. Later, we see Stefan at the garage working at Damon's Camaro. Stefan tries to back out of it, but Bonnie insists that he tell her what's wrong. For a brief time, Stefan was romantically involved with the Original, Rebekah Mikaelson, and shared a close friendship with her brother, Niklaus. Stefan's dependence on Damon due to his newborn vampire-ism and heightened emotions was example by a time right after he transitioned and then persuaded an unwilling Damon to complete his own transformation into a vampire. Tripp crosses the border and dies, proving that in Stefan's absence, Enzo turned him into a vampire. Later, Stefan is sitting on a picnic table all alone, until Caroline comes to talk to him, he is very sad and tells to her that he lost them both, the two people he has known longest in this world, she ask to him if he is talking about Lexi and Stefan tell her that she never came out and that neither did Markos and that he know that's not a coincidence. In Prayer For the Dying, Stefan joins the party to discover Colin's now a vamp. It doesn't work. When Bonnie answers the door, Stefan sees how despondent she looks and is immediately concerned. He searched for his gunshot wound but found he had been healed, and noticed that he was a wearing an unfamiliar, large silver ring, with a deep blue stone and the Salvatore family crest with the letter 'S' on it. Caroline starts overthinking about Valerie, but Stefan tells Caroline he has no feelings for Valerie anymore, only for her. He'd felt it, too. After hearing about a change in the plan, Stefan asks what it is, only to be attacked by Mikael. Elena finally agrees to skip the rest of the school day and have fun, and leaves to go home and change. In I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime, Stefan takes Damon on a trip to convince him not to take the cure. Instead, she was turned into a, Stefan enjoys listening to music by: Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Kanye West and he even likes one of. Valerie tries to convince them both of how evil Julian is. Damon urges Stefan to get Luke out of the burning building. He remembers Damon promising Stefan a lifetime of misery, and says he'll be the one to deliver it. Stefan wears his lapis lazuli daylight ring on the middle finger of his right hand. Stefan tries to assuage her fears, suggesting that the witches might just be messing with Bonnie's head to teach her a lesson. This episode reflects one of the strongest points in the relationship between both brothers. She offers to ask Shane for help and Stefan leaves. Damon calls Stefan out on his motives for wanting the cure for Elena, and Stefan responds that although he will always love her, Elena is not meant to be a vampire, and he doesn't want her to be this person. He moves into Caroline's house who tells her he can't give up on the cure- or Elena. Stefan suggests that Caroline help her, but Elena says that Caroline is too good at self-control and wouldn't be as easy to relate to. Discovering that the police were using wooden bullets, Stefan realized they knew there were vampires inside. He goes to Damon asking if he knew that already, and Damon admits he did. Stefan remembers that the hunter had werewolf venom, and Elena must have been poisoned with it. He falls to the grown saying that this should've stopped, but he's all alone in the woods. Damon realizes that Enzo was just trying to distract them and that he figured out a way to kill them all in one fell swoop. Stefan wants to know how this weapon could be the answer to all of his prayers, as Klaus put it earlier. Caroline and Stefan are talking privately as they walk to a separate section, where Sloan and the other Travelers are. He gives Stefan until the end of the day to be gone from town. After she leaves them she meets Sheriff Forbes at the party and they have an argument which ends with Elena trying to feed on Liz until Caroline and Stefan stop her. With that, Sloan finally takes her hands off Stefan, breaking the link. After that, they give Elena their house to protect her from vampires. In I Never Could Love Like That, Caroline drops a body from the caf rafters, trying to scare the employee to death. Caroline and Stefan Stefan hits Tyler for hurting Caroline saying that even when he is drunk she didn't deserve this behavior. He also told Elena how he and Damon became vampires. and Elena responds with "some guy I use to date," in an ironic and sweet reference to Stefan. Damon Salvatore Kills Count (Part 1) - YouTube At the party, Stefan finds Enzo and is ready to attack him but Enzo hears something and deflects a stake thrown by Stefan with a bag of ice in his hand. Caroline, who sees them joking says "For a couple of Doppel targets, you two seem to be taking this all in stride," Stefan replies "Yea, well, a tribe of ancient wannabe witches wants to drain us of our blood and eliminate supernatural beings -- I've had worse.". Elena, distracted by the bomb blast, looks up to find Jeremy; Connor takes advantage and overpowers her. Stefan is not talking to his big brother because he's still mad at him for sleeping with Elena. Back at the Salvatore Boarding House, Elena is sitting next to Stefan and puts his daylight ring on his finger. Stefan had also been seen wearing plaid shirts in lighter tones from time to time. Stefan sits on the end of the bench, beside his brother, Damon and his other friends. And seeing as Elena is valuable for them, they are in the process of using Wes' resources to find a cure for her virus, she also says that them have to find something, Stefan ask what do they need and Sloan say another one of him. Stefan felt so guilty that he tried to take his ring off and was about to commit suicide, until Elena convinced him not to do it. While they wait they take room in hotel so they could shower, and Katherine flirts with him and then kisses him until Stefan breaks it, telling her that it is wrong, because she just broke up with Damon. Then Enzo slams the door shut and stakes Stefan from behind with a pole. Caroline compels Ivy and takes her upstairs as Enzo calls Stefan a coward and they throw each other around the kitchen. Stefan says that the same goes for Katherine because Rebekah is with his brother. Stefan adds that Caroline shouldn't hesitate and snap Elena's neck the moment she sees her. Julian beat her up until she miscarried Stefan and Valerie's conceived-child and forced her to come back with him to London, England. His life flowing out like a crimson waterfall. ", In Do Not Go Gentle, Elena asks Stefan to the decade dance with the encouragement of Caroline. In The Last Day, Stefan respects Elena's decision on using the Elixir that Elijah has to save her. After Elena rejected Stefan's attempt to kiss her and informed him she was dating his brother, he was thoroughly confused and hurt to know she had not told him beforehand. He got stuck in the tomb with Katherine because Bonnie is unable to release the spell over it. While Stefan is headed to one of the possible spots for the massacre he speaks with his brother on the phone and explains him what's going on. He drank her blood and almost killed her but was stopped by Bonnie when she cast a spell on him. Stefan had a pale complexion, broad forehead, strong bone structure (angular jawline), deep-set, forest green eyes, a straight nose and a well-formed mouth. The two discussed their options, and both brothers seemingly agreed to die without transitioning, as neither one wanted to be a vampire without Katherine. He was determined to make him suffer as he was still mad at him for making him turn. He tells her he needs to get a charger and he walks into a store buying some supplies. On one such night of revelry, the club was attacked by what appeared to be the police. Back in Mystic Falls Klaus, Caroline and Stefan go to Shane's office and try to find out what would be Silas' next move and where he would do the third massacre. Stefan is with Nora as she is making her costume for the Whitmore party him and Caroline invited her and Mary Louise to as a distraction. Stefan's grateful for the love he and Elena shared, but he's more grateful that she repaired his relationship with Damon. He then texts Jeremy to meet him and waits in the cellar for him to appear. Stefan resents that Elena thought he wouldn't understand, and goes on to explain why he's angry that she fed on Damon. Stefan then told his father that he had not fully turned into a vampire yet and that he was choosing to let himself die instead of drinking human blood. Bloodlust Stefan Salvatore [1] - - oof exposed - Wattpad But after Damon's death he decides to break all his connections with his old friends, including Caroline, and start over, breaking her heart in the process. Katherine later shows up and informs him that Klaus' hybrids have orders to kill Damon if Klaus is killed. Stefan reveals that he stopped drinking human blood since the night he threatened to drive Elena off of Wickery Bridge. Damon on the other hand explains to Stefan that Bonnie was brainwashed by Shane and that they can't let her drop the veil because every supernatural being on the other side will come back to their world with vengeance. A flashback shows Stefan, dressed in his war uniform rehearsing lines to Lexi which to say to his brother. Stefan tells her that his mother was strong and kind. If you want him out of your house, you do it yourself." She says she doesn't know what she feels. Elena seems confused by his reaction and he later tells her that she is better than Damon, that she is better than both of them. Although Stefan was very popular and had many male friends during his human life, Stefan always considered Damon to be his best friend and companion.