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almost complete. Born in Jerusalem, Israel, he was said to have found his calling as a prophet when he saw a vision in the year of King Uzziahs death. So they claim chapters 40 to the end were written later than 1-39. After the defeat of Sennacherib under the walls of Jerusalem (chapter 37) and the miraculous healing of King Hezekiah (chapter 38), the so-called Deutero and Trito Isaia (chapters 40-66) seem to proceed without interruption, announcing a period of promises and consolations for all of Israel. And some of your descendants, your own flesh and blood who will be born to you, will be taken away, and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. Isaiah 39:57. and to loose the belts of kings, Those who hold this view either believe that the anonymous author(s) deliberately sought to mislead, in which case the cynic is accusing them of dishonesty, or that the compilers of the final version were dishonest in putting together with a work of the true Isaiah (chapters 1-39) a work which could not have been clearly the work of Isaiah, seeing as, according to the cynics' theory, it was anonymous. There is no good reason to doubt it was all written by the Prophet Isaiah whose prophetic ministry had started by 739 BC when King Uzziah died (Isaiah 6:1) and who died after the death of King Hezekiah, in the sole reign of King Manasseh which began 686 BC. your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: Assuming for purposes of argument that Josephus' account is true, then plain common sense dictates that he was so impressed precisely because it was the genuine article - a prophecy from an earlier period - rather than a crude contemporary forgery. The only possible conclusion to draw is that eballerina96. (I) Cyrus (580-529 BC) was the first Achaemenid Emperor, Who says Jesus couldnt predict the fall of Jerusalem,,, Its Difficult to Make Predictions, Especially About the Future,,,, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Welcome to History SE James. While Isa 1-39 has the time of the downfall of Samaria in mind, that is, in the 8th century BC, the author of Isa 40-55 already expects the end of the Babylonian kingdom (Isa 43,14; 46-47) and the rise of the Persian Cyrus (Isa 44,26-27 and others). My next question is if the book of Isaiah came about in the way that modern scholars say that it did, with redactors adding portions such as passages about Cyrus after the event it pretends to predict then "Where are all the other books of prophecy"? As far as Babylon is concerned, skepticism has forced many scholars to expel the chapters 13-14 and 21 from "Proto Isaia", in which the fall of the city by the Medes is predicted. We could assume in advance--before even looking at the evidence--that Isaiah could not be a prophetic document, but this is neither scientific nor is it an argument--it is a philosophical assertion. The historian Herodotus does mention one of the attacks of Sennacherib as it affected Egypt (Herodotus Book 2, Chapter 141): Sennacherib was the king after Sargon, but he nowhere mentions Sargon (- this Sargon is not to be confused with Sargon the Great, who was many centuries earlier). who alone stretched out the heavens, "Considers" on what basis? Cross posted at, @Henry - tense has nothing to do with it. perfect, So as to say of Jerusalem, Thou art built, And of the temple, was isaiah written before daniel. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Note: I used Young Literal Translation because it transliterate YHWH into Yehovah where all other translation seems to take more "liberty". Cyrus is alluded to in this week's haftorah, The Helper of Israel and the hoards in secret places, good friday agreement, brexit. and bring down as fugitives all the Babylonians, Would anyone? [Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Ezra and Nehemiah] ever mentions the reappearance In Babylon: prophecy of Ezekiel, Return to the land under Persian rule, and writings of Ezra-Nehemiah I quote from Gleason Archer's book "A Survey of Old Testament Introduction" (1st edition 1964, page 330):-. The "7" represents form of divine "signature". At the time of Isaiah's prediction, Babylon was one of the largest and most important cities in the world. I grew up with dogs, in a house surrounded by woods although we lived in the suburbs. Its a single scroll from end to end, with no divisions or signals from a copyist that there is some sort of change between chapter 39 and 40. In 722 BC, after the fall of Samaria, nearly 30,000 Israelites were deported to Assyria, Mesopotamia, and the cities of the Media (2 Kings 17: 6), while thousands of exiles from Babylon took possession of the cities of Samaria. However, I do believe that all that is in the book originated with Isaiah and probably that his disciples then were the ones who collected what he said and commented on and put it in its present form. Dr. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Good answer as it goes. Pursue a deeper knowledge of God through self-paced college- and seminary-level online courses in Old and New Testament studies, theology, biblical Greek, and more. Nevertheless, some believers accept the visions of Isaiah without perplexity, because they think that the prophecies contained in the "Proto Isaiah" concern the great destruction of Sennacherib of 689, after the attempt of Babylon to free itself from the yoke of the Assyrians. . But there are similarities. The Persian king Cyrus, enlightened sovereign and lover of art and culture, almost certainly knew parts of the book of Isaiah in some ancient language and, according to the authoritative testimony of the historian Flavius Joseph, he read the prophecies concerning him astonished, he meditated for a long time on these and matured the decision to free the Jewish people from the Babylonian captivity (Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, XI, 5-7), perhaps grateful to the God of the Jews for so much honor received (Josephus, The Jewish War, V, 389) . in words and deeds, shepherd, throne, shining star ". On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The people who wrote the New Testament saw Isaiah as one book. The first speculation that we still have preserved is Miniscule 1739, from the 10th century, on which is written. saying of Jerusalem, She shall be built, The rest of the book is the work of numerous disciples who lived over the next 400 years or so. Enhance your schools traditional and online education programs by easily integrating online courses developed from the scholars and textbooks you trust. Isaiah 42 appears to speak of the destruction of Israel as an event in the past: Who handed Jacob over to become loot, He see's God as in control of history from Day One. Purpose of Writing: In 605 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon had conquered Judah and deported many of its inhabitants to Babylon - Daniel included. For historians and for non-believers reasons of perplexity come mainly from the prophecies about the fall of Babylon (Isaiah 13-14 and 21) and the announcement of the liberator Cyrus (Isaiah 44 and 45), considered too distant from the period in which Isaiah lived . 3 I will give you the treasures of darkness He was believed to have written chapters 1-39 in The Book of Isaiah with the balance of the book authored by several other prophets. to windblown chaff(K) with his bow. The name of Cyrus (Kyros in Greek and Koroush in ancient Persian) was used by some Indo-European rulers, such as Cyrus I, founder of the Acmenid dynasty, king of Ansan, and grandfather of Cyrus II the great and it is not unlikely that such name o the title was already widespread in the Medes, Persians and Elamites. Frankly, the post-Captivity world in the Old Testament is remarkably similar to our modern world, namely, no graven images, no gross worship of the ancient vicious gods of Baal and Molech, and no miracles either (until the New Testament period). They both lived in the 6th century BC. years older than the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible known to And of whom hast thou been afraid or feared, that thou hast lied, and hast not remembered me, nor laid it to thy heart? But already the Jewish commentator Ibn Esra concluded around 1138 that the book was not written in one go. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads, Name: Isaiah, Birth City: Jerusalem, Birth Country: Israel. Why would they have revered them so much if those same scriptures were messed about with so much as modern scholars say they were? 9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Like in the passages before Deutero-Isaiah the whole book was written and rewritten, again and again by a fairly large group of people for quite some time, in many layers, before it became finalised, that is canonised. them. The proof we have that Chapter 53 is a true prophecy of the future should enable us to believe the name "Cyrus" was announced before he was born. Still others, like Dr. John Oswalt, argue that Isaiah was the original source for all 66 chapters, but that the book was assembled over the years from his collected works: his speeches, sermons, talks, and comments. This is what God told Isaiah would happen to Babylon: The next manuscript is Miniscule 104 from the 11th century which claims, "To the Hebrews, written in Hebrew from Italy anonymously by Timothy"(! What is the basic timeline of the Old Testament? - Learn more in John N. Oswalt's course on Isaiah. Your offences, and the offences of your fathers together, saith Jehovah, that they have burned incense upon the mountains, and insulted me upon the hills, and I measure their reward first of all into their bosom." But after the Babylonian Captivity the sins of the Jews were different. How could it be possible that the most sublime of all the prophesies, the book of Isaiah, should contain portions for which we have no idea who is the author? there was oppression of the poor by the rich; there was desecration of the Those interested in this can search for "Eponym Dating System" in google. and level the exalted places,[a] This fits with the timeline of chapters 1-39, where the Babylonian captivity clearly hasn't taken place yet.