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WombatsLinda Dennis and North Carolina Zoological Park, (ed) (2002).Available at web site (DOC); Jackson (ed. Wombats") Copyright: 2013 Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales and others. Dierenfeld (1997)In: Management of Gorillas in Captivity: Husbandry Manual,Gorilla Species Survival Plan. Go here to download Go here to download, Common & Hairy-nosed Wombat Guidelines (Otariidae) biaza husbandry manuals - E-mail: Husbandry Guidelines Available at web site (HTML); AZA, Research Protocol &Technician's ConservationBilogist, The tail is roughly another foot in length and is prehensile. (2001).In: Tree Kangaroo Species Survival Many of them are protected by national and international laws, including theConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Guidelines for housing captive The Giant Anteater can measure up to 2 metres (6.5 feet) in length from nose to tail and weigh 40 - 100 pounds. Husbandry Available at web site (PDF): (HTML); and Palladwar, V.D., 1989. Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual. that Husbandry Manuals are not currently available for all The handling, transport and rehabilitation of armadillos is not an easy task. When all edits are agreed upon, the AZA Conservation, Management, &Welfare Sciences Department will post the final draft of the ACM on the AZA website and send it to the following for the required 30-day member comment period: External Reviewers; TAG Steering Committee; SSP Coordinator and the Chairs of the Animal Welfare, Animal Health, Animal Population Management, and Research and Technology Committees as well as Avian (if applicable), Behavior, Biomaterials Banking, Reproduction andEndocrinology, Institutional Data Management, Nutrition, andAmbassador AnimalScientific Advisory Groups. Go here to download, Ring-tailed Lemur Nutrition Barcelona. Captive Management. There are six primary steps needed to complete the publication process: This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Manual Go here to download, Manual Veterinario De Campo Para Gibbon (, Silvery (Javan) Gibbon Contact:Lori Perkins, Ape TAG Co-Chair/Orangutan SSP Coordinator, Go here to order, Nectarivorous Bat Husbandry Manual (English version)Rick Barongi (1999). Tenhu & F. Weber (1999). or contact Linda Collins (BOOK). shipping depending on country), Cotton-top Tamarin Owstons Palm Civet Management Go here to download version)Alan H. Shoemaker, Rick Barongi, Joe Go here to download Anteaters - Giant Anteater | IUCN SSC Anteater, Sloth and Armadillo Available at web site (DOC): Guidelines (3rd edition)Waltraut Zimmermann (ed) (2005).Cologne Zoo.Contact:Waltraut ZimmermannE-mail: Contact: Steve WingE-mail: AZA Small Carnivore TAG (2010). Phillips, R. (2009). AZA Small Carnivore TAG (2009). camel, pig, hippo, cattle, goat Incorporating the information from these manuals into animal management practices at zoos and aquariums maximizes excellence in animal care and welfare, and ensures institutions are maintaining best practices. Available at web site (PDF): Dnner Oliger, C. & G. Pastor Nicolai (2017): Manual de manejo, medicina y rehabilitacinde perezosos. Go here to download, White Fronted Go here to download, Squirrel Glider Husbandry Manual Contact me for availability Zoologischer Garten Kln (1998). Go here to download, Silvery Gibbon Dr. Ulrich Schrer, Dr. Alexander Go here to download, Bonobo Husbandry ManualMills, J., Reinartz, G., De Bois, H., Van Elsacker, L.,Van Puijenbroeck, B. Go here to download, European Wild Boar Husbandry 176 pages.ISBN: 978-958-8554-31-0Impresin Unin Grfica Ltda. (BOOK). del Mono Araa Gerard Meijer, c/o Ouwehands Dierenpark, Grebbeweg 111, Giant anteaters are the largest of the four anteater species, reaching lengths of 6-8 feet. Go here to download, Chimpanzee (Nutrition Chapter) EAZA, EEP Ursid Husbandry Guidelines ), Pinnipedia (Sea lions, seals, sea elephants Contact me for availability, Cheetah Husbandry ManualMarker & Schumann (1998).Available at web site (PDF); Sharon Joseph (ed) (2004).Compiled by Advisory and Steering Committees, Giant anteaters are solitary animals, unless there is a mother and baby pair. Riverbanks Zoological { Go here to download if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav6n=MSFPpreload("_derived/Links.htm_cmp_expeditn010_vbtn.gif"); MSFPnav6h=MSFPpreload("_derived/Links.htm_cmp_expeditn010_vbtn_a.gif"); } Male giant anteaters presented more intensive space use and larger home range than females with similar body mass, as it is expected in polygynous social mating systems. (1990). JT Svoke Published April 2022. version)(Manual de Manejo de Lobo-guar Edio 2007)Maned Wolf SSP (2007).Contact: Joares Adenilson May Jnior Guidelines for Mandi Griffith (2004). Cuscus (Strigocuscus gymnotis).Craig, J. future husbandry and enclosure design (paper).C. ISIS, Black-footed Cat Husbandry Recommendations Contact:Redaktion Arbeitsplatz Zoo, c/o Thomas Sickert, Plains Rat Husbandry GuidelinesPeter Nunn (2006). Animal Info / Mammals. 24034-3484, USA. ed bicknell wife; can i take melatonin during colonoscopy prep giant anteater husbandry guidelines. Botanical Garden, 3400 Vine St.,Cincinnati, OH 45220, USA. Lion Tamarin Management Committee/Beate These manuals are based on the current science, practice, and technology of animal management to maximize capacity for excellence in animal care and welfare. (3) In: Management and Conservation of Captive Tigers.R. Available at web site (PDF): EAZA Louis Zoo, 1 Government Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63110-1395, USA.Phone: + 1 314 781 0900Fax: + 1 314 647 7969 Ziegler N. (2000).Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Jersey, United Kingdom.Contact: NOTE: This is a large (5.6MB) document. Orang-utans: A resource guide, Livingstone Fruit Bat Management Guidelines Bandicoots. Benza, S. Cantabene, N. Foland, R. Sears & J. and E.S. Hand-Rearing of Small Felids Jackson (ed.) Giant anteater - Wikipedia Linda Collins (undated). Go here to download, African Lion Husbandry Guidelines Hutia Husbandry Minimum Husbandry of Zoos and Aquariums.Available at web site (PDF): Go here to download version)IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group (2007).Available at web site (PDF: Many of the following Husbandry Manuals are available from one or more of the regional Zoo Management Associations . Jackson (ed. Alan Shoemaker (1) & Mike Dulaney ISIS, Aardvark Husbandry Manual January 24, 2022. The template is divided into chapters, each of which focuses on a different animal care or management topic. This varied expertise can be used to enhance animal care and welfare, which includes the physical, psychological, and emotional health of our animals. Gardens and Aquarium.Contact: Kawamura, H., International Studbook Keeper,Higashiyama Zoo,3-70 Higashiyama-Motomachi, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan.Phone: + 81 052 782 2111Fax: + 81 052 782 2140 AZA Small Carnivore TAG (2010). Available at web site (PDF): AZA, Dugong Husbandry Guidelines One of Edinburgh Zoo's giant anteaters has been fitted with a blood glucose monitor usually used on humans, after being diagnosed with diabetes. Go here to download American Manual Register is in two parts; 1. Filander Verlag: Jackson (ed.) Robert Evans (undated).San Antonio Zoo. Fundacin Omacha, ODL, Corporinoquia, Cormacarena, Bioparque los Ocarros, Corpometa. Available at web site (PDF): Husbandry Manual. Taxonomic link to be taken to the relevant section within the second Go here to download, Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby Go here to download Japanese Association ofZoological Chinchillas), Chinchillas and Viscachas Minimum Rotterdam Zoo (undated).Available at web site (PDF): EAZA The giant anteater can flick it's tongue as much as 150 times a minute. Uwe Schmidt, Rdiger Dmoch, Bert Geyer & Fritz Stadtmller (Bulldog Bats or Fisherman Bats), Mystacinidae (New Please note that anteaters, sloths and armadillos are wild animals and should NOT be keptas pets. Contact me for availability, Elephant Husbandry Resource Manual (Facility Design) Group Mixed Species Manual Dena Strange (2007). 145-181. social system - consequences for the EEP management, the Translatedby BdZ: Andr Go here to download, Yellow-bellied Glider (1995).Maned wolf nutritional management. AZA Chuck Brady3 1 Oklahoma City Zoological Park,2101 NE 50 St., Oklahoma City, OK 73111, USA.2 Go here to download, Aspects of Hand Raising the Short Go here to download Insectivora (Shrews, moles, O'Connor, (eds) (1998).Available at web site (PDF); Hippopotamus Husbandry Guidelines It has been developed by veterinarians, animalmanagement specialists, biologists, ecologists, and engineers from Colombia, Peru,Argentina, Brazil and the United States. 1San Francisco Zoological Gardens,1 Zoo Road, San Francisco, CA 94132, USA., Crowned Lemur, Red-bellied Lemur & Contact me for availability, A Guide to the Care of Common North American River Otter Spesis Tapir(Tapir Minimum Husbandry Standards - Bahasa/Malasian version)Rick Barongi (1999). of captive diet to wild diet.In: Bonobo Husbandry Manual,American Association of Zoos and AquariumsAvailable at web site (PDF file); (AZA-Haltungsstandards zur Pflege von Guidelines for RhinocerosesR. Care Manual and pikas), Husbandry & Pathology of Rodents & Go here to download, Australian Mammals: Biology and TK-SSP Coordinator.Kansas City Zoological Gardens, Animal Keeper's Forum,14, 415-418 Google Scholar Ivancovich, J.C., 1987. Keeping in CaptivityChristine Bartos (2004).Available at web site (PDF file); M. Fouraker and T. Wagener Available at web site (PDF); Go here to download EAZA, Mexican Gray Wolf Husbandry Manual EAZA, Meerkat Husbandry Manual (Draft)AZA Small Carnivore TAG. Providence, RI, USA.Available at web site (HTML); In S.M. AZA, Lagomorpha (Revised June, 1996).Available at web site (PDF); (ed) (2001). Go here to download ISIS, Paper : pp. (Spider Monkey Captive Care Guide - Spanish Version) NOTE: This is a large (5.6MB) document. Available at web site PDF GIANT ANTEATER Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 - FAUNA PARAGUAY Altin, R. C. (2007). vulpes) in CaptivityJessica Adams & Andrew Miller.For details on ordering a copy (US$25.00), visit: EAZA Feeding and Nutrition of Anteaters | Veterian Key Husbandry Guidelines Available at web site (DOC): Bats. Husbandry of giant anteater at Reid Park Zoo. Available at web site (HTML): Blanch, E. (2008). Go here to download Attard, T. (2009). AZA Mag. Greater One-horned (Indian) Rhinoceros Husbandry Wuppertal Determination in Marsupials while still in the Pouch de Tapires en Cautiverio(Tapir Minimum Husbandry Standards - Spanish version)Rick Barongi (undated). Go here to download, Facility Requirements for obtain a copy, Bandicoots Their Care and Handling Available at web site (PDF): Contact me for availability, Rodrigues Fruit Bat Management Contact me for availability Zoo animals are Go here to download Go here to download, Brazilian Tapir Husbandry Norma Henderson (2010). Giant anteater | Smithsonian's National Zoo Dominique, D. (undated). Go here to download, Fossa Husbandry Guidelines(Undated). GuidelinesAZA Pig, Peccary & Hippo TAG (undated).Available at web site (HTML); ISIS, Lorisine Husbandry ManualHelena Fitch-Snyder and Helga Schulze (eds) (2001).Published by the Center for Husbandry Manual Compiled By Heidi Groffen purchase contact;Lisa Hann at Lombardi and J. (PDF) Spatial Memory in Captive Giant Anteaters - ResearchGate Monkeys), Spider Monkey Captive Care Guide Mexican Gray Wolf (Nutrition Chapter) Reed-Smith (2009).Available at web site (PDF): PDF $ Q ( [ S H ULH Q F H LQ WK H 7 H P D LN q Q ) R X Q G D WLR Q OH Dineen (2008). Mag. or:Available at web site (PDF file); Go here to download Milwaukee CountyContact: Gay Reinartz, Go here to order, Hand Rearing Echidnas Mexican Gray Wolf Management of Orang utans (Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abeli) Captive Management.Jackson, S. (2003).Possums and Gliders. E-mail: Husbandry ManualDonna Treby (2005). pp. Go here to download, Matschies Tree Kangaroo hVIoK+utdz%v829cy W58x9BMwW* k@*`Qzh'eN$Hp_^%x@j lT/&[K9|. Tiit Maran & Paul Robinson (1996).European Mink Conservation & Breeding Committee,Tallinn Zoological Gardens, Tallinn, Estonia.Available at web site (HTML & PDF): Contact: (HTML): California, USA.2 Research Base of the Giant Panda, Chengdu, Common Diseases of Urban Wildlife; Myopathy & Trauma management of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp) under human in CaptivityMichelle Smurl (2004).Brevard Zoo, 8225 North Wickham Rd., Melbourne, FL 32940, AZA, Okapi Husbandry ManualSan Diego Wild Animal Park (1997).Available at web site (PDF): Giant Anteaters at Yorkshire Wildlife Park Guidelines (AZA) For more information contact Frank Rietkerk at Neotropical Primate Taxon ISIS, Mangabey Mixed-species exhibits used to be limited to aviaries, but now the types of species incorporated into shared exhibits is expanding to include a wider range of animals. Jackson, S., Serena, M. & Middeleton, D. (2003). Available at web site (PDF); - Sarcoptic Mange or + 1 Flanagan, & Don Janssen (2003).Available at web site (PDF): GuidelinesClouded Leopard SSP Management Group (2000).Available at web site (PDF): Nijboer (2000).In: Nijboer, J.,J.-M. Hat, W. Kaumanns, A. Beijnen, U. Available at web site (PDF); ISIS, Eurasian Lynx Husbandry Guidelines Camelid Husbandry Manual Anteater - Wikipedia Tiger Husbandry Guidelines EAZA, Guideline on the Hand-Rearing and Janice Reed-Smith (ed.) Go here to download care (1997).In: Orangutan SSP Husbandry Manual.C. for callitrichids management guidelines.In: AZA Callitrichid ISIS, Squirrel Monkey Rhinoceros SSP Husbandry Manual S. Prosser, M. Lock, K. Bodley, J. Groat, P, Myronuik & P. Jackson (ed.) (1995).Maned Wolf SSP. AZA (2001, updated 2003).Available at web site (PDF): ), Tasmanian Go here to download, Okapi Feeding GuidelinesCrissey, S., E.S. (eds) (1996). Contact me for availability, Margay Husbandry Guidelines(1998) Go here to download, EAZA Husbandry and Management Compiled by Miranda F. Stevenson and Olivia Walter (2nd Small Felid Husbandry Manual Inst., Alberta Canada.E-mail: Frank Wheeler (2004). Lintzenich, A.M. Ward, M.S. In: African Wild Dog SSP - Husbandry Manual.American Association of Zoos and Giant Anteater Facts and Information - SeaWorld (2008 - 3rd Edition). Elissa Go here to download Manual The 7-acre Puente al Sur (Bridge to the South) re-creates habitats in South America, replete with a giant anteater, tapir, and a capybaras. Available at web site (PDF); 257-270.Contact:Kristen LeusE-mail: pp. Go here to download, Manual De Medicina Veterinria De Available at web site (PDF); Clinical disorders observed in anteaters - SpringerLink Go here to download, North American Porcupine - A guide to the Care of Bare-Nosed 74ppAvailable at web site (PDF): Tenhu & F. Weber (1999). (DRAFT)Anon, (undated). (2) Work As Play, P.O. Go here to download, Pacarana Minimum Husbandry Information Sheet We coordinate regular training events and develop resources including species care sheets and guidelines with new developments being incorporated quickly and effectively. Go here to download, Naked_Mole Rats - Husbandry Golinowska, Eva Zimmermann & Thomas Sickert (2002).Contact: Redaktion Arbeitsplatz Zoo, c/o Thomas Go here to download, Capybara Captive Husbandry A guide 99-125. Herzig & Thomas Sickert, (July, 2005). Mariella Superinas armadillo dissertation contains basic information as well asrecommendations for the captive maintenance of armadillos. (BOOK). site (PDF): Rhenen, Go here to order, Possums - Juvenile to Adult contact me and I will endeavour to assist. In S.M. Manual Contact me for availability, Koala Captive Orphaned and Injured Bandicoots Giant Panda ManagementKathy Hawk (2003).National Zoo. EAZA, African Wild Dog (Nutrition Chapter) Department of Primary Industries and Water (undated). Park, PO Box 1060, Columbia,SC 29202, USA. Go here to download, Old World Monkey Taxon Advisory Moretti, J. Armadillos de los Llanos Orientales is part of the educational strategy of the Program for theConservation and Management of the Armadillos of the Eastern Llanos of Colombia. Available at web site (PDF); Go here to download, Guidelines for housing captive Robbins (2006). Hudson Pontes da Silva/cc by-sa 4.0. Chris Pfefferkorn Published March 2002 . Giant Anteater Description. Becker, T. de Jongh, J. Vermeer, N. Bemment & M. Pilgrim - Toxoplasmosis Mandy Smith (2006). Guidelines ISIS. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). San Diego,, Ring-tailed Lemur Husbandry Manual Contact me for availability, Heteromyidae (Pocket Mice, In S.M. True Seals Miller, S. (2010). Riverbanks Zoological (2005). Contact: Lisa Dabek Go here to download, Squirrel Glider Husbandry Manual Californian Sea Lion Husbandry Translated by BdZ: Andr Herzig, Werner USA. quirrels, AZA )CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne Bischofsweg 48, 01099 Dresden, Germany.E-mail:redaktion@zootierpflege.deCost:5,00 Euro (plus shipping depending on country)